
Got Hard Bread and Cheese? Fondue Is for You! 瑞士火鍋知多少

每週 四 出刊.2008.04.03
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
Got Hard Bread and Cheese? Fondue Is for You! 瑞 ...


Got Hard Bread and Cheese? Fondue Is for You! 瑞士火鍋知多少

by Luke Dodds

In the rugged mountains of 18th-century Switzerland, winters could be bitterly cold and last many months.The residents of Canton Neuchatel _(1)_ a clever way to make those difficult months a lot more delicious.

At that time, most food in Switzerland was produced during the summer and fall, and large _(2)_ of easily-preserved food like bread, cheese, and wine had to be stockpiled to be eaten during the winter months. That worked well _(3)_, but after being stored for long periods, the cheese became rock solid, and the bread became so hard that it had to be _(4)_ with an ax.

With brick-like food and cold bodies, the Swiss would gather around a pot _(5)_ over a stove and toss in the hard cheese with some wine and local spices. Mixing the cheese and wine over the heat produced a rich, creamy sauce. The hard bread was dipped into the sauce and quickly made soft and delicious. The word fondue _(6)_ the French word for "to melt."

The idea spread throughout Europe, and numerous local varieties _(7)_ incorporating local cheeses and spices. However, people found the traditional _(8)_ so tasty that even after modern storage techniques were invented, they continued to indulge in it.

French peasants working in vineyards also created their own version. They dipped chunks of uncooked meat into _(9)_ oil and then dipped the meat into other sauces that often included melted cheese. American tourists discovered the dish in the 1950s, and it became widely popular in the US.

Chocolate fondue is a modern adaptation in _(10)_ chocolate is heated, liquefied, and sometimes cycled through a fountain. Lucky diners dip pieces of fruit in the melted chocolate for a truly delectable treat. Yummy!

(A) which    (B) chopped   (C) hanging   (D) recipe    (E) sprang up
(F) enough   (G) quantities  (H) devised   (I) boiling   (J) comes from

1. The residents of Canton Neuchatel devised a clever way to make those difficult months a lot more delicious.
a. 空格前有主詞 The residents(居民),空格後有名詞詞組 a clever way(聰明的方法),且根據上下文時態得知,空格內應置入過去式及物動詞或過去式及物動詞片語。
b. 符合上述條件的選項有 (B) chopped(切開,劈開)、(E) sprang up(出現),以及 (H) devised(想出;發明)。但僅 (H) 置入後符合語意,表『想出』聰明的方法,故為正選。
c. devise vt. 想出;發明
例: The terrorists devised a plan to bomb the embassy.

2. ..., and large quantities of easily-preserved food like bread, cheese, and wine had to be stockpiled to be eaten during the winter months.
a. 本空格測試下列固定用法:
large quantities of + 不可數名詞  大量的……
= a large quantity of + 不可數名詞
例: The police found a large quantity of heroin in the man's suitcase.
b. 根據上述,可知 (G) quantities 為正選。

3. That worked well enough, but after being stored for long periods, the cheese became rock solid, ...
a. 空格前有副詞 well,因此空格內應置入副詞,以修飾 well。
b. 符合上述條件的選項僅有 (F) enough(足夠地),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。

4. ..., and the bread became so hard that it had to be chopped with an ax.
a. 空格前有原形 be 動詞,得知應置入現在分詞或過去分詞,以形成進行式或被動式。
b. 符合上述條件的選項有 (B) chopped(被切開,被劈開)、(C) hanging(懸掛),以及 (I) boiling(煮沸,燒開),但僅 (B) 置入後符合語意,故選之。

5. With brick-like food and cold bodies, the Swiss would gather around a pot hanging over a stove and toss in the hard cheese with some wine and local spices.
a. 空格前已是完整句,故知應置入現在分詞或過去分詞,形成分詞片語,作形容詞用,修飾空格前的名詞 pot(鍋子)。
b. 符合上述條件的選項有 (C) hanging(懸掛)和 (I) boiling(煮沸,燒開),但只有 (C) 置入後符合語意,故選之。
c. hang over...   吊在/懸掛在……(之上)
例: The bat hung over the fruit as it ate it.
d. 原句分析如下;
..., the Swiss would gather around a pot hanging over a stove and toss in...
= ..., the Swiss would gather around a pot that hung over a stove and toss in...

6. The word fondue comes from the French word for "to melt."
a. 空格前有主詞 The word fondue,空格後是名詞詞組 the French word for "to melt",可知應置入 be 動詞、及物動詞或及物動詞片語。
b. 選項中僅有 (J) comes from(始於;來自)符合上述條件,置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. come from...  始於/來自……
例: These quotations come from Shakespeare's works.

7. The idea spread throughout Europe, and numerous local varieties sprang up incorporating local cheeses and spices.
a. 空格前為有主詞 The idea(概念)和過去式動詞 spread(散佈,傳開)的完整句,且有對等連接詞 and,以及另一主詞 numerous local varieties(許多當地的種類),可知應置入過去式不及物動詞或過去式不及物動詞片語,以形成另一個句子。
b. 符合上述條件的僅有選項 (E) sprang up(出現),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. spring up  (如雨後春筍般)出現,冒出
例: Sushi trains are springing up all over town.

8. However, people found the traditional recipe so tasty that even after modern storage techniques were invented, they continued to indulge in it.
a. 空格前有形容詞 traditional(傳統的),可知空格應置入名詞或動名詞以供修飾。
b. 符合上述條件的選項有 (D) recipe(配方;食譜)和 (I) boiling(煮沸),但只有 (D) 置入後符合語意,故選之。

9. They dipped chunks of uncooked meat into boiling oil and then dipped the meat into other sauces that often included melted cheese.
a. 空格前有介詞 into,之後有名詞 oil(油),可知空格應置入形容詞來修飾 oil。
b.符合上述條件的選項僅剩 (I) boiling(滾燙的),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。

10. Chocolate fondue is a modern adaptation in which chocolate is heated, liquefied, and sometimes cycled through a fountain.
a. 空格前後為完整的子句,且空格前有介詞 in,故知應置入關係代名詞以引導形容詞子句,修飾其前的名詞 a modern adaptation(= chocolate fondue)。
b. 符合上述條件的選項僅有 (A) which,置入後符合用法,故選之。

* The residents of Canton Neuchatel devised a clever way to make those difficult months a lot more delicious.

上述句中的 a lot 用來修飾其後的比較級形容詞 more delicious(更美味)。可用來修飾比較級形容詞或副詞的計有下列六個副詞:
far、much、a lot、a great deal、still 和 even。
例: She speaks English much more fluently than I do.

1. bitterly adv. 非常地;嚴厲地
bitterly cold  極其寒冷的
例: The new law was bittely criticized by various groups.

2. toss vt. 拋,扔,投
例: The referee tossed the ball in the air to start off the basketball game.

3. mix A and B  將 A 與 B 混和在一起
例: Never mix alcohol with painkillers, or they'll do more harm than good.

4. incorporate vt. 包含;併入
incorporate A into B  把 A 併入 B 中
例: The artist's work incorporated realism and impressionism.
例: We will incorporate your idea into this new product.

5. indulge in...  沉溺於/放縱於……
例: Don't indulge in online games.

6. adaptation n. 改編;改造
adapt vt. 改編;改造
be adapted from...  由……改編
例: This soundtrack is basically adapted from Bach's works.

1. fondue n. 瑞士火鍋
2. rugged a. 崎嶇的
3. easily-preserved a. 易於保存的
4. stockpile vt. 貯存
5. solid a. 固體的 & n. 固體
6. ax n. 斧頭
7. brick-like a. 如磚塊般的
8. spice n. 香料
9. sauce n. 調味醬;醬汁
10. dip vt. 浸,沾
11. melt vi. & vt. 融化,溶化
12. numerous a. 許多的
13. variety n. 種類
14. storage n. 貯存,貯藏
15. peasant n. 農夫
16. vineyard n. 葡萄園
17. chunk n. 大塊
18. liquefy vt. 使溶解;使液化
19. cycle vi. 循環
20. fountain n. 噴泉
21. diner n. 用餐者
22. delectable a. 美味的
23. yummy a. 好吃的,美味的

18 世紀時瑞士崎嶇的山裡,冬季往往一連好幾個月天氣嚴寒。諾夏特邦的居民想出聰明的辦法,讓自己在艱困的月份吃得更美味。當時瑞士的食物大多產於夏秋兩季,而像麵包、乳酪和紅酒等容易保存的食物,就得大量貯存以備冬天食用。這辦法相當可行,但存放太久的乳酪變得像石頭一樣硬,麵包也硬得必須用斧頭才能劈開。硬得像磚塊的食物再加上凍得發僵的身體,瑞士人將鍋子掛在火爐上並圍在旁邊,把硬梆梆的乳酪丟進鍋裡,再加上些許葡萄酒和當地的香料。加熱後的葡萄酒和乳酪融合成濃稠的醬汁。把硬梆梆的麵包浸在醬汁裡,很快就變得又軟又好吃。fondue 一字在法文中就是 melt(融化)的意思。

這種方式傳遍全歐洲,而且各地方還因地制宜運用當地的乳酪和香料,而有許多不同種類的火鍋出現。即使現代已發明出儲存食物的技術,大家發現還是這種傳統的吃法最美味,並對其戀戀不忘。法國葡萄園的果農也發明自己的吃法,他們將大塊的生肉放在滾燙的熱油中,接著浸在其他醬汁中,而這些醬汁通常都加了融化的乳酪。美國觀光客在 50 年代發現這道佳餚,隨後在美國也廣受歡迎。


1. (H) 2. (G) 3. (F) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (J) 7. (E) 8. (D) 9. (I) 10. (A)

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