
2007年1月份 《中英對照讀新聞》集錦

2007年1月份 《中英對照讀新聞》集錦
1月19日Police sieze dogs, arrest owners in Liverpool raids 利物浦查緝行動,警沒收狗、逮飼主
1月18日British Scientists Shoot for the Moon 英國科學家挑戰登月
1月17日You say Osama, we say Obama :US network apologizes over mix-up你說奧薩瑪,我說奧巴馬:美國新聞網為混淆名字道歉
1月16日Snap decisions sometimes the best 倉卒決定有時是最好的
1月15日Musical condom hits the high notes 音樂保險套唱「高」調
1月14日 Income gaps in China remain worrisome 中國的所得差距仍堪憂
1月13日Britain ponders tougher driving tests 英國考慮駕駛測驗從嚴
1月12日Taxman tells ABBA's Ulvaeus, Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! 查稅員告訴ABBA合唱團的厄維葉斯:給錢!給錢!給錢!
1月11日 Operatic tantrum may cost star tenor dear 在劇院中的盛怒表現恐令明星男高音付出昂貴代價
1月10日Penguins let off steam during zoo walks 企鵝在動物園散步紓壓
1月 9日 Climate shift helped destroy China's Tang dynasty: scientists 科學家說,氣候轉變促使中國唐朝滅亡
1月 8日 Bowel problems "pregnancy risk" 腸子問題是懷孕風險
1月 7日 Father of boy adopted by Madonna wants news of him 瑪丹娜養子的生父欲知兒子消息
1月 6日 Great-grandmother, 80, bags first deer 年高80的曾祖母獵得生平第一頭鹿
1月 5日 Cocaine on 94 percent of Spanish banknotes 西班牙94%的鈔票上有古柯鹼
1月 4日 Ireland forced to scrap 1963 plan to honour Kennedy 愛爾蘭被迫取消1963年頒給甘迺迪榮譽公民的計畫
1月 3日 Crime-weary South Africans mete out instant justice 厭倦犯罪的南非人對罪犯就地正法
1月 2日 Big bellies tied to greater heart disease risk 大肚腩與心臟疾病高罹患率有關
1月 1日 Panda porn pays off 「熊貓A片」奏效了

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《中英對照讀新聞》Judge orders men to learn English 法官下令男子學英文

《中英對照讀新聞》Judge orders men to learn English 法官下令男子學英文


A judge in the US state of Pennsylvania has ordered three Spanish-speaking men to learn English or go to jail.


The trio, who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit robbery, were told they could remain on parole if they studied English and got full-time jobs.


Judge Peter Olszewski said the unusual sentence was supposed to help the men. They will serve their full jail terms if they fail an English test in a year.


Lawyers for the three said they had not yet decided whether they would appeal.


Luis Reyes, Ricardo Dominguez and Rafael Guzman-Mateo, ranging in age from 17 to 22, all needed translators when they pleaded guilty at the Luzerne County court.


Police said they were in a group which had accosted two men on a street in May last year. The two said they had been asked if they had marijuana, hit on the head and threatened with a gun.



go to jail:片語,坐牢。例句:The criminal preferred to go to jail.(這名罪犯寧可坐牢。)jail(監獄)的同義字包括prison與penitentiary,但意義上仍有些差別;通常輕罪、刑期短的犯人會 進入jail,而重罪與刑期長的罪犯則進入prison或penitentiary。

on parole:片語,獲假釋地。例句:He was out on parole when he murdered the girl.(他殺那女孩時正值其假釋期間。)

accost:動詞,與∼搭訕。例句:A stranger accosted me in the street.(一個陌生人在街上向我搭訕。)


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中英對照讀新聞╱Pair of Japanese mangoes fetches 2,000 dollars 2顆日本芒果售得2000美元

中英對照讀新聞╱Pair of Japanese mangoes fetches 2,000 dollars 2顆日本芒果售得2000美元


A pair of Japanese mangoes known as "Eggs of the Sun" for their fiery colour and juicy flesh hatched a sweet deal for their owner, fetching a record 2,000 dollars at auction.


The mangoes, produced in Miyazaki Prefecture, were sold for 200,000 yen in the season's first auction here, an official at fruit wholesaler Tokyo Seika said. The buyer's identity was not disclosed.


The price far surpassed the previous Japanese record of 38,000 yen bid last year for a similar pair.


Products from the Miyazaki region have become popular following frequent appearances on television by comedian turned local governor Hideo Higashikokubaru, who has actively promoted local specialities.


Visitors to Japan are frequently surprised by the high price of fruit. Last year, a pair of melons fetched a record two million yen at auction.



fetch︰取得,售得。例句︰These old books won't fetch much.(這些舊書賣不了多少錢。)It'll fetch a good price.(它會賣得好價錢。)

hatch︰孵化,如 hatch out chickens(孵出小雞);也有策劃、圖謀之意。例︰What is she hatching up?(她在搞什麼鬼?)

surpass︰超越…界線,如 riches surpassing belief(令人難以置信的龐大財富)。例句︰You surpass yourself.(你今天特別行。)


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《中英對照讀新聞》Right bra could halt breast ops 合適的胸罩可避免乳房手術

《中英對照讀新聞》Right bra could halt breast ops 合適的胸罩可避免乳房手術


Bra fitting clinics in hospitals could prevent thousands of unnecessary and expensive breast reduction operations every year.


A London hospital offering bra checks says so far, none of the women tested has been wearing the correct cup size.


This can lead to pain in the neck, back and shoulders, say doctors, sometimes so severe that women seek surgery.


A leading breast surgeon said women tended to over-estimate by up to three cup sizes when buying a bra.


Reduction surgery is frequently requested by large-breasted women who are suffering discomfort.


Approximately 10,000 women a year have breast reductions carried out privately in the UK.


However, Dr Alex Clarke, a clinical psychologist from the Royal Free Hospital in London, said that this could be money wasted, when all that was really needed was a better-fitting bra.



right︰有多種意思,在文中是合適的,恰當的,如He had the right choice.(他作了正確的選擇。)也有右邊的意思,如a right-handed man(慣用右手的人)。

leading︰主要的,最重要的。如 leading members of the committee(委員會的主要成員)。


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《中英對照讀新聞》Driver charged with speeding blames poorly dunked Oreo被控超速的駕駛人怪罪沒有浸好的奧利奧餅乾

《中英對照讀新聞》Driver charged with speeding blames poorly dunked Oreo被控超速的駕駛人怪罪沒有浸好的奧利奧餅乾


Police say a man's excuse for speeding through a small Connecticut town takes the cake.


A state trooper who stopped the 1993 BMW last fall says its driver, 28-year-old Justin Vonkummer of Millerton, New York, blamed his driving problems on an errant Oreo.


Vonkummer told the trooper that an Oreo had just slipped from his fingers as he dunked it in a cup of milk, and that he was trying to fish it out when he lost control of his car.


Prosecutors learned in court that Vonkummer had been charged with speeding and driving under a suspended license -- not driving under the influence, as a clerk had mistakenly noted in the court records.



Oreo: 奧利奧餅乾。美國口語中常以某特定品牌泛指該類商品。例如,「面紙」不說tissue paper,而說Kleenex(一種面紙品牌),「棉花棒」不說cotton swab,而說Q-tips;FedEx是「快遞」的代名詞,Xerox是「影印」的代名詞。由於是「泛指」,並不意味發話者指名採用該品牌,如 Could you FedEx/Xerox this for me?是請求協助「快遞」或「影印」。本文中的Oreo,專指奧利奧餅乾,非泛指餅乾。

something/someone takes the cake:片語,意指某事或某人是最極端的範例,通常作負面使用。例句:I've spent a lot of money on shopping but you take the cake.(我已經花很多錢血拼了,但還是比不上你。)


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《中英對照讀新聞》Man suffering from incurable hunger男子受苦於無可救藥的飢餓

《中英對照讀新聞》Man suffering from incurable hunger男子受苦於無可救藥的飢餓


A German has been dubbed "the man with the bottomless stomach" as he binges on over 12,000 calories a day without gaining an ounce in weight.


Heinz Asthoff was struck with an incurable hunger following the death of his wife 22 years ago. His incredible ability to eat endlessy without getting fat has been the subject of scientific studies and a TV programme in his homeland.


On any given day he will eat a 2.2lb chunk of leberkase meat loaf, 5lb of potatoes, a dozen eggs, a pint of mayonnaise, pizzas, chips and sometimes as many as 20 meat patties.


The trouble is that Heinz, 68, from Offenbach, is spending more on food than he has pension money.


"I can't eat out anymore. Last time I went to a pub I ordered a potato pancake and ended up eating 100 of them. I can't afford it."


He is nearly six feet tall and weighs 15 stone. "My doctors say my stomach is like the mine I worked down for 36 years --black and bottomless," he said.



suffer:動詞,罹患(某種)疾病、受苦。常用片語suffer from…(因…受苦)。例句:He suffered from poverty all his life.(他一生受貧窮之苦。)

binge︰動詞╱名詞,狂飲、狂鬧。例句:I tend to binge on chocolate when I'm watching TV.(看電視時,我常狂吃巧克力。)

stone:英石,英國重量單位。1英石=6.35公斤= 14磅。


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中英對照讀新聞--- Stolen rhino horns could be deadly 被偷的犀牛角可能致命

中英對照讀新聞--- Stolen rhino horns could be deadly 被偷的犀牛角可能致命


Stolen rhino horns could be deadly


Two 19th century rhino horns stolen from a South African museum could be deadly if sold as a popular aphrodisiac because they are drenched in poison, a museum official said.


The "priceless" horns were snatched from a display at the historic mammal gallery in Cape Town three days ago, said Jatti Bredekamp, chief executive of Iziko Museum.


"Unknowingly, the thieves have exposed themselves to more than the danger of arrest and prosecution," Bredekamp said in a statement.


"Before the mid-twentieth century, taxidermy mounts were prepared by being soaked in arsenic and preserved from insect infestation through regular applications of DDT, both highly toxic poisons that retain their toxicity over time," he said.


Bredekamp said the horns were deliberately targeted in a carefully planned robbery, and might be destined for Asia, where ground rhino horns are a prized aphrodisiac.


"This could have unforeseen consequences," he said.





toxicity:名詞,毒性、毒力。toxic,形容詞,有毒的。toxic substance╱waste(有毒物質╱廢棄物)。


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iT邦幫忙─如何移除Windows XP修正檔?

iT邦幫忙─如何移除Windows XP修正檔?
文/李世平 (記者) 2008-04-20


iT邦幫忙是 iThome Online專為 IT 人推出的新服務,在這個 IT 知識分享社群裡,有疑問的人可以找到答案,有知識的人可以幫助他人。快來這裡與 IT 人一起討論交流。


當微軟發現Windows作業系統有安全性漏洞,或是想要提升軟、硬體的相容及支援性,甚至是增加新功能時,便會釋出更新修正檔(Hotfix)、一般發 行版本(GDR),或升級套件(Service Pack,SP),使系統能透過Windows Update自動下載,或讓使用者自行至微軟下載中心(Microsoft Download Center)手動下載並安裝,藉此增加作業系統的安全與可用性。

根據微軟技術支援服務第824994號說明文件,GDR的內容包含安全性更新、重大更新、一般更新、更新彙整套件、驅動程式,以及功能補充套件, 是經過微軟完整測試後產生的修正檔。但Hotfix並未經過詳細測試,僅是為了將安全性漏洞傷害降低,而快速推出的修正程式。因此,雖然修正檔的名稱相 同,卻可能有2種(或以上)的版本存在。為了避免修正檔造成不可預期的系統錯誤,我們建議每次安裝前,都先記錄更新檔的名稱,以便事後查驗。


安裝後的Hotfix備份檔 不宜隨便刪除


這些新增的檔案雖然是隱藏的,但仍會占據一部分的硬碟空間(若從XP SP2更新至目前為止,約需900MB)。理論上,微軟發布的更新檔既然屬於「安全性更新」,解除安裝的機率應該微乎其微,那這些檔案存在的目的是什麼?是否可以刪除呢?

在前述的說明文件中,指出「$hf_mig$」資料夾的內容,包含GDR版本檔案的Hotfix資料,當使用者想要安裝的Hotfix資料,是包 含在之前已經裝過的GDR版本檔案中,那麼系統就會自動將原本應該安裝的Hotfix版本更新檔,變更成GDR版本的更新檔。簡而言之,這個資料夾中的檔 案,還會用於往後的更新,一般來說不建議刪除。

至於「$NtUninstallKBxxxxxx$」類型的資料夾,則是與Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ Download資料夾一樣,屬於安裝更新後留下的備份檔案,除非硬碟空間不足,或是使用者具備額外的處理能力,那麼就可以考慮把這兩個資料夾刪除。

利用Remove Hotfix Backups移除多餘的修正檔備份資料,可節省硬碟空間,但移除後這些備份檔案,無法還原。

若是擔心誤刪重要的更新備份資料,則可利用「Remove Hotfix Backups」工具集中管理。



如果不清楚某個備份資料的更新內容,則可選擇該筆資料後,按下視窗右側的「See Hotfix Description」,程式會自動連結到微軟的更新說明網站,以便判別是否該刪除它的備份檔案。

不過值得一提的是,免費版僅提供全部刪除的功能,若是想保留特定更新的備份檔,則需使用付費正式版。此外,這個工具僅能刪除與Windows系統 相關的Hotfix備份檔案,像是IE、或Windows Media Player等應用程式的備份檔案,則無法用這種方法刪除。

Hotfix Uninstall中會顯示更新檔名稱以及安裝時間,勾選想要刪除的元件即可。

以ERD Commander移除更新
當使用者想要移除某個更新修正檔時,最簡單的方法就是直接到上述的備份資料夾中,執行spuninst.EXE即可。然而,過去也曾發生安裝更新 修正檔後,導致系統無法正常開機的情形,這時就必須藉助微軟的診斷及修復工具組(Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset,DaRT),將這項造成系統錯誤的更新移除。

在DaRT中,有一項工具稱為ERD Commander,它提供了一系列的系統修正工具。將這套工具燒錄於光碟內,便可直接當成開機光碟使用,並強制啟動於Windows PE環境下,以修正原始Windows XP作業系統無法開機的問題。

在Windows PE中開啟ERD Commander,可在System Tools中找到Hotfix Uninstall小工具,執行該工具後,便會在視窗中列出所有更新修正檔,只要勾選先前安裝並造成系統錯誤的修正檔名稱,再點選下一步即可。文☉李世平

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Google 快訊 - 國民黨

Google 新聞快訊關於: 國民黨

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新華網 - Beijing,China
國民黨"立法院"黨團書記長謝國梁15日 表示,為了符合拼經濟的需要,國民黨團將研擬放寬臺灣各縣市官員赴大 陸的限制。 通過臺當局內政部門會同安全部門、法務部門及"陸委會 "組成的審查會審查許可,嚴格限制縣市"首長"進入大 陸,不利于縣市政府拼民生、拼經濟。 ...

東方網 - Shanghai,China
東方網4月16日消息:國民黨"立法院"黨團書記長謝國梁15日 表示,為了符合拼經濟的需要,國民黨團將研擬放寬台灣各縣市官員赴大 陸的限制。 據台灣媒體報道,謝國梁指出,臺"兩岸人民關係條例" 有許多條文不符合現今需求,比如,臺政務人員、"直轄 "市長、縣市"首長"等要前往 ...

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