
Data Mining-sequential+pattern@20080530


Mining Sequential Patterns - 2 visits - May 4

The algorithm is especially efficient when the sequential patterns in the database are very long. A depth-first search strategy is used to generate ...
www.cs.cornell.edu/database/himalaya/SequentialPatterns/seqPatterns_main.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Sequential PAttern Mining using A Bitmap Representation

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lem of mining sequential patterns. We propose an efficient. algorithm called SPAM (Sequential PAttern Mining) that. integrates a variety of old and new ...
www.cs.cornell.edu/johannes/papers/2002/kdd2002-spam.pdf - Similar pages - Note this

Mining Sequential Patterns - Agrawal, Srikant (ResearchIndex)

We introduce the problem of mining sequential patterns over such databases. ... 0.4: Sequential PAttern Mining using A Bitmap Representation - Ayres, ...
citeseer.ist.psu.edu/agrawal95mining.html - 24k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Mining Sequential Patterns

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Output subexponential maximal sequential pattern algorithms; Efficient algorithms for finding episodes (approximate sequential patterns – edit distance) ...
dimacs.rutgers.edu/Workshops/MiningTutorial/gunopulos-slides6.ppt - Similar pages - Note this

Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithms: Trade-offs between Speed and ...

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In this paper, we study the problem of sequential pattern mining, ... goal of sequential pattern mining is to discover all frequent sequences of itemsets in ...
hms.liacs.nl/mgts2004/papers/antunes.pdf - Similar pages - Note this

Sequential Patterns

The problem of discovering sequential patterns [Mannila 1995 , Srikant 1996] is to find inter-transaction patterns such that the presence of a set of items ...
www.cyberartsweb.org/cpace/ht/lanman/sp1.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Abstract 1 Introduction

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of a sequential pattern in which the elements are sets. of items. Problem Statement .... of nding all sequential patterns in ve phases: i sort ...
rakesh.agrawal-family.com/papers/icde95seq.pdf - Similar pages - Note this

Mining Sequential Patterns: Generalizations and Performance ...

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The problem of mining sequential patterns was recently in-. troduced in 3 . ... example of a sequential pattern is 5 of customers bought `Foundation' ...
rakesh.agrawal-family.com/papers/edbt96seq.pdf - Similar pages - Note this

Mining Sequential Patterns

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We introduce the problem of mining sequential patterns over this data. An example of such a .... the desired sequential patterns. The sequential pattern ...
www.datamining.org.tw/paperauto/similar/icde95_rj.pdf - Similar pages - Note this

Mining Sequential Patterns

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There were two types of algorithms presented to find sequential patterns, CountSome and CountAll. What was the main difference between the two algorithms? ...
www.cs.uvm.edu/~xwu/kdd/Sequence-06.ppt - Similar pages - Note this

123 45 67 89 10Next

[垃圾桶] 裡沒有會話群組?

台灣菸酒公賣局招考139人,6/9起開始報名 2008-05-29

發刊日期:2008529日 總發行量:390213
Career 熱門職缺 Career 訊息快遞 新鮮人專區Career 首頁訂閱雜誌線上投票





(蕭西君 報導) 台灣菸酒公賣局開放招考,報名日期將於6/9開始,預計將錄取139人。 ......


(Career就業情報 報導) 友達此次推出的「EE學院」電子電機研發人才培訓計畫,是科技業首創的研發人才培育模式,針對二年以下工作經驗,擁有物理、機械、資工及光電等相關科系碩士學位,且對光電與電子電路研發具高度興趣的人才所量身打造,預計僅招收30至40位候選人,提供為期6個月的免費課程,委由交通大學專業講師授課指導完整專業的電子電路課程,並享有訓練津貼,結訓後即可安排至友達科技中心研發部門服務。 ......

大陸學歷採認 陸委會將於月內進行研商

(張志誠 報導) 據報導,陸委會將在一個月內討論大陸高校學歷認證的方案。陸委會文教處長陳會英26日指出,陸委會將在1個月內與教育部研商採認中國大陸學歷,以及開放大陸學生來台就學等事宜。 ......

關鍵字廣告看好 吸引七年級生投入行銷

(陳鈺婷 報導) 網路關鍵字廣告已成為行銷的利器,業界預估,2008年台灣網路關鍵字廣告的成長率將達3成1,由於關鍵字廣告的市場規模不斷成長,也吸引許多七年級生投入關鍵字廣告的行銷行列。 ......

重量級旅遊年會國際順風社 10月在台舉辦

(張志誠 報導) 經濟日報報導,今年十月旅遊界的重量級會議國際順風社(SKAL International)國際年會於台北舉辦。據了解,歷經十多年努力,台灣休旅業者終於擊敗其他國家,取得2008年國際順風社(SKAL International)國際年會主辦權,因此今年10月12日到17日將有上千名國際專業旅遊玩家來台,不但可為台灣帶進千萬元商機,宣傳效應更難以估算。 ......


(陳鈺婷 報導) 上海媒體報導,上海市總工會五年一次大調查顯示,職工平均工資年均增加之十一,不過,勞動生產率年均增加達百分之十二點五,經濟持續穩步發展中。 ......


(陳鈺婷 報導) 根據美國兩個就業及租屋網站CBCampus. com and Apartments.com綜合整理相關資訊提出的建議,在賓夕法尼亞州的費城是新科畢業生就業起步的最佳城市。 ......






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中時電子報 - 2008年5月29日
使用注音輸入法打字的人,最大的困擾就是「選字」不便,常常打了一個詞句後,要選出正確的用字要選半天。針對使用者的需求,入口網站推出最新技術的中文輸入法,配合豐富的詞彙資料庫,能夠聰明選字,讓使用者用注音輸入中文時,能夠更快更方便。 目前使用注音輸入中文, ...
新世代「Yahoo!奇摩輸入法」beta版問世 中國網路電子報
奇摩輸入法馬英九不是酒 聯合新聞網
ZDNet Taiwan
所有 8 則相關新聞 »


中國時報 2008.05.29 
注音輸入法大突破 不再打錯字


    目前使用注音輸入中文,不外乎是「微軟新注音」以及「自然注音」等輸入法,雖然這些輸入法也會自我選字,不過準確度卻不一定令人滿意,有時打一個詞句,為了選出正確的用字,常常會耽誤不少時間。針對使用者的需求, 入口網站推出了更具智慧的輸入法「Yahoo!奇摩輸入法」,免費供網友下載使用,這個輸入法內包含了「注音」、「倉頡」、「簡易」等輸入方式,尤其在注 音的部分,結合網站日積月累的大量搜尋詞彙資料庫,並定期更新使用者最常用的搜尋詞彙,所以能讓自動選字的準確度,大幅提升。



[垃圾桶] 裡沒有會話群組?

鳳荔觀光季開幕 高縣 20080531

鳳荔觀光季開幕 大家來品嚐!

高雄縣好山好水孕育出許多質佳味美的水果,是水果之鄉,每年四至六月間,正是縣內金鑽鳳梨與玉荷包荔枝的最佳賞味期。縣府於5月31日、6月1日,以及6 月7日、8日連續兩個週休假日,舉行2008高雄鳳荔文化觀光季,在大樹鄉舊鐵橋濕地與姑山倉庫推出一系列活動,行銷大樹鄉引以為傲的鳳梨與玉荷包。






[垃圾桶] 裡沒有會話群組?

馬上 生

新婚育兒 一生2次200萬優惠房貸
2008-05-30 19:11:14 

除了獎勵生育之外,結婚率偏低也是問題,行政院今天還有另一項利多,就是規劃從明年起,讓二十到三時九歲的夫妻在新婚首購,或生下小孩、小屋換大屋時,可 享有兩次兩百萬元貸款優惠,前兩年通通免利息,有婚夫妻覺得可以減輕不少壓力,但也有人抱怨為什麼排斥單身族?也有人希望能不能把年齡限制放寬一點。

   小倆口想要一同打造愛的天地卻很不容易,房價飆高讓年輕人望之卻步,買房子就像天方夜譚。不過好消息是,政府要提供年輕夫妻首次購屋優惠,兩百萬房貸前 兩年零利率,一生有兩次機會,很多人聽了躍躍欲試。內政部研擬的購屋方案,二十-三十九歲新婚夫妻第一次買房子,只要準備好頭期款,就可以貸款兩百萬元前 兩年零利率,一年省下大約六萬多塊利息。準備生小孩要換房屋還有第二次機會享同樣的優惠。不過這塊大餅吃不到的人覺得不公平。

  但不管 怎麼樣,雖然有兩百萬貸款可能還是不夠用,房仲業者建議年輕人購屋有訣竅。什麼都漲價的年代,新政府送紅包,降低購屋門檻,就希望給民眾生活上多一點信心 跟希望,但是別忘了,政府一生兩次了百萬零利率房貸只限前兩年,第三年之後利率回歸市場機制,您得開始繳交這兩百萬的房貸本利,這筆負擔至少跟你十五到二 十年,是否負擔的起也得想個仔細。(綜合報導)


[垃圾桶] 裡沒有會話群組?

netcom¡Xpotential FLASH market¡Amass handwork production of USB Disk


展讯技术论坛(Spreadtrum Technology Forum-STF)是由展讯通信举办的年度行业盛会。2007年展讯首届技术论坛成功举办,首届论坛以"创想改变未来"为主题,新浪网、新华社等多家媒体现场直播。
2008年 6月17日(周二) 上午:9:00 -下午17:00
6月18日(周三) 上午:9:00 -中午12:00
中国 上海 龙东商务酒店(上海市浦东新区龙东大道3000号)
工业和信息化部 国家广电总局 中国工程院 北京大学 清华大学
西安交通大学 北京邮电大学等      
中国通信标准化协会 中国半导体行业协会 TD-SCDMA产业联盟 TD-SCDMA技术论坛
AVS产业联盟 互动媒体产业联盟 上海市集成电路行业协会等
中国移动 中国联通 中国网通等
In-stat Gartner iSuppli 赛诺 赛迪等
台积电 日月光集团 ARM CEVA O2 爱可信 Esmertec 惠普等
中兴通讯 夏新电子 联想移动 闻泰 金立 高通 TCL 国虹
新邮通 富士康等        
2008年6月17日 周二
08:00 - 09:00  本地嘉宾签到(上海龙东商务酒店)
09:00 - 17:30  论坛召开(上海龙东商务酒店)
17:30 - 19:00  论坛晚宴(上海龙东商务酒店)
19:00 - 21:00  欣赏"展讯―世界音乐盛典巡演"(暂定)(上海龙东商务酒店)
2008年6月18日 周三
08:00 - 09:00  本地嘉宾签到(上海龙东商务酒店)
09:00 - 12:00  论坛召开(上海龙东商务酒店)

8:00 - 9:00  会议签到
9:00 - 9:15  2008展讯技术论坛开幕仪式
9:15 - 9:20  欢迎致辞
9:20 - 9:40  嘉宾致辞
9:40 - 10:30  合作,中国手机发展的必经之路
10:30 - 11:00  嘉宾主题演讲
11:00 - 11:40  展讯2008年重点产品介绍
11:40 - 11:50  幸运抽奖
11:50 - 13:30  自助午宴
13:30 - 14:00  嘉宾演讲
14:00 - 15:20  "TD-SCDMA-亮剑"高层圆桌论坛
15:20 - 16:40


16:40 - 17:00  嘉宾主题演讲
17:00 - 17:20  嘉宾主题演讲
17:20 - 17:30  幸运抽奖
  8:30 - 17:30  演示中心开放

8:00 - 9:00  会议签到
9:00 - 9:10  欢迎致辞
9:10 - 11:40  技术与产品研讨会
11:40 - 11:50  幸运抽奖
11:50 - 13:30  自助午宴
  8:30 - 16:30  演示中心开放

(注册咨询电话:86-21-50802727 分机 2187 金小姐)

We look forward to seeing you at the Forum. To help with your attendance, please see the more detailed information regarding this event, below.
To learn more

Spreadtrum Technology Forum (STF) is an annual technology forum targeted at the converging communications industry hosted by Spreadtrum Communicaitons. In 2007, the first Spreadtrum Technology Forum was successfully held, promoting the theme of "Innovation Changes the Future" with live broadcasts by several media sources such as Sina.com and Xinhua News Agency.
Please visit www.spreadtrum.com to learn more


Day One: June 17, 2008, From 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Beijing Time).
Day Two: June 18, 2008, From 9:00 a.m. to12:00 a.m. (Beijing Time).
Riverfront Business Hotel (No. 3000 Longdong Ave. PuDong, Shanghai, China.)
Spreadtrum Communications
Introduction of new products and technology by Spreadtrum.Viewpoints on current and future technology and market trends by Spreadtrum executives. A detailed roadmap by Spreadtrum to address those trends, challenges, and opportunities.
Technology workshop sessions about"mobile TV, RF technology, software platform, product differentiation"with partners.
High level roundtable discussion "TD-SCDMA: Drawing Sword".
VIP conversation "How to find China's mobile way out".
Keynote speech by renowned specialist.
Keynote speech by Spreadtrum's partner.
Keynote speech by Spreadtrum's customer.
Speech on future technology trends by renowned consulting organization.
  The latest technologies developed by Spreadtrum.
Special experience center for Olympics and TD-SCDMA.
New products from Spreadtrum's customers.
New applications developed by Spreadtrum's partners.
Ministry of Industry and Information (MII) The State Administration of Radio Film and Television
Chinese Academy of Engineering Tsinghua University Peking University
Xi'an Jiaotong University Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;and others.
China Communications Standards Association China Semiconductor Industry Association
TD-SCDMA Industry Alliance (TDIA) TD-SCDMA Technology Forum
AVS Industry Alliance China Interactive Media Industry Association
Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association; plus others.
China Mobile Group China Unicom Group China Netcom Group; and others.
In-stat Gartner iSuppli SINO CCID; and others expected.
TSMC ASE ARM CEVA RFMD O2 ACCESS Esmertec Hewlett Packard
ZTE Amoi Lenovo Wingtech Gionee Jiatong TCL Changhong Newpostcom
Foxconn, and many others still expected.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 (Beijing Time)
08:00 - 09:00   Registration of local attendees (Riverfront Business Hotel)
09:00 - 17:30   SPRD Forum First Day (Riverfront Business Hotel)
17:30 - 19:00   Forum Banquet (Riverfront Business Hotel)
19:00 - 21:00   "SPRD-World Music Ceremony"(TBD) (Riverfront Business Hotel)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 (Beijing Time)
08:00 - 09:00   Registration of local attendees (Riverfront Business Hotel)
09:00 - 12:00   SPRD Forum Second Day (Riverfront Business Hotel)

8:00 - 9:00   Registration
9:00 - 9:15   Opening Ceremony
9:15 - 9:20   Welcome Speech
9:20 - 9:40   Speech by Attendees
9:40 - 10:30   Cooperation, the necessary path for the development of China   Mobile Phone(Dr. Wu Ping, President and CEO of SPRD)
10:30 - 11:00   Keynote speech by attendee
11:00 - 11:40   SPRD 2008 product strategy release
11:40 - 11:50   Lucky Draw
11:50 - 13:30   Buffet
13:30 - 14:00   Keynote speech by Attendee
14:00 - 15:20   High level roundtable discussion "TD-SCDMA:Drawing Sword"
15:20 - 16:40

  VIP conversation "How to find China's mobile way out"

16:40 - 17:00   Keynote speech by Attendee
17:00 - 17:20   Keynote speech by Attendee
17:20 - 17:30   Lucky Draw
  8:30 - 17:30   Technique Demo Area

8:00 - 9:00   Registration
9:00 - 9:10   Welcome Speech
9:10 - 11:40   Technology workshop sessions about"mobile TV, RF technology,   software platform, product differentiation"with partners
11:40 - 11:50   Lucky Draw
11:50 - 13:30   Buffet
  8:30 - 16:30   Technique Demo Area
(For more detail, please contact Ms. Jin at 021-50802727, ext.2187)
Spreadtrum preserves the right to accept or deny application and formal invitation is necessary for attendance.