
Not Just Another Russian

本報內容由 常春藤解析英語雜誌社 提供 每週 四 出刊.2007.08.23
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    Not Just Another Russian
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Not Just Another Russian


by Christine Newton

In 1828, baby Leo was born into the rich and powerful Tolstoy family of Central Russia. He would grow up to write two of the greatest novels in the history of literature and inspire social reform that would make an impact on the world. Not just another Russian author, Leo Tolstoy was a teacher, a philosopher, and the grandfather of non-violent revolution.

Tolstoy was an unsettled young man. He was a poor student who left his university when he could find no meaning in his studies. He joined the army but could not endure the violence and soon left that as well. By this time, Tolstoy was being noticed as a writer but he still felt unfulfilled. It was during this time that Tolstoy wrote his most famous books, War and Peace and Anna Karenina. In them, Tolstoy offered a new kind of fiction to Russian readers. He described events and characters so detailed and convincing that they blurred the line between the imaginary and real life. In Tolstoy's version, it was not great leaders that moved history, but the common people. His work has been called, "not art, but a piece of life."

Tolstoy suffered a mid-life crisis after writing Anna Karenina. Giving up his fortune to live among the peasants, he decided he must find the meaning of life or else kill himself. What he found came from the core of his Christian faith—universal love and passive resistance to evil. Gandhi later adopted this message in his campaign to free India. Martin Luther King, Jr. did the same in his fight for racial equality in America. The effects of passive resistance can still be felt today. Tolstoy was a gifted writer, but it was his revolutionary ideas that changed the course of history and the world in which we live.

1. According to the article, which of the following is most true about Leo Tolstoy?
(A) He always valued his peasant upbringing.
(B) His teachers thought he was very smart.
(C) He was satisfied with his life after people began noticing his work.
(D) He struggled to find meaning throughout his life.

2. What was special about Tolstoy's style of writing?
(A) He was the first author to address the issue of war.
(B) He described important events that really happened.
(C) The characters in his books were very true to life.
(D) He wrote about the great leaders who changed history.

3. Tolstoy considered killing himself because he ______.
(A) had not yet found the meaning of life
(B) was traumatized by his time in the army
(C) lost his inspiration for writing
(D) lost faith in universal love

4. How are Ghandi and Tolstoy alike?
(A) Tolstoy adopted Ghandi's message and wrote about it in his books.
(B) Tolstoy and Ghandi studied together at the university.
(C) Ghandi helped Tolstoy find the meaning of life.
(D) Ghandi used Tolstoy's ideas in his struggle to free India.


1. reform n. 改革
2. revolution n. 革命
3. unsettled a. 不安定的
4. unfulfilled a. 未得到滿足的
5. convincing a. 令人信服的
6. imaginary a. 虛構的
7. peasant n. 農夫
8. core n. 核心,精髓
9. passive a. 被動的
10. resistance n. 抵抗
11. campaign n.(為達成某目標所作的)運動/活動
12. equality n. 平等
13. gifted a. 有天賦的
14. revolutionary a. 革命性的
15. upbringing n. 養育


1. be born into...  出生在……(家庭背景)
2. join the army  從軍
3. give up...  放棄……
4. struggle to V  努力做……
5. be true to life  逼真的


1. inspire vt. 激發
inspire sb to V  激發某人做……
例: My grandfather's military service inspired me to join the Navy.

2. make an impact on...  對……產生影響
例: This new discovery will make a big impact on the field of physics.

3. endure vt. 忍受
例: I had to endure his complaining for two hours during our hike yesterday.

4. offer A to B  提供 A 給 B
例: Having a new restaurant in town will offer more options to the people living here.

5. detailed a. 詳細的
in detail  詳細地
例: The satellite takes such detailed pictures that you can see people's faces in them.
例: The woman described the thief in detail and he was soon caught.

6. blur the line between A and B  模糊 A 與 B 的界線
blur vt. 使模糊
例: Sandra moved and blurred the picture we were taking.

7. suffer vt. 遭受;經歷 & vi. 罹患;受苦
suffer from...  罹患……(疾病);受……所苦
例: David thought he was very healthy until he suffered a minor heart attack.
例: People often suffer from colds at this time of year.

8. adopt vt. 採用,採取
例: Yesterday, the government adopted a new law making all guns illegal.

9. be satisfied with...  滿足於……
= be content(ed) with...
例: I don't need to be more popular because I'm satisfied with the friends I have.

10. address vt. 探討(問題)
例: If we don't address our problems, we'll never be like we used to be.

11. consider + V-ing  考慮……
例: You should consider getting a haircut at that new barbershop.

12. be traumatized by...  (精神上)受到……所創
traumatized a. 精神受創的
例: Bill was so traumatized by the accident that he couldn't get in a car for two months.

13. lose faith in...  對……失去信心
have faith in...  對……有信心
例: We should have faith in Rose's ability to solve the problem.


It was during this time that Tolstoy wrote his most famous books...
本句使用 it is/was 引導的強勢句構,有下列兩種情況:
a. It is/was + 介詞片語/副詞子句/時間副詞(片語)+ that 子句
本句構中的 that 為名詞子句連接詞,而不等於關係代名詞 who、whom 或 which。
例: It was until midnight that I finished the report.
b. It is/was +(代)名詞 + 關係代名詞 who/whom/which 引導的形容詞子句
此處的 who、whom、which 均可用 that 取代。且翻譯本句構時,通常先譯形容詞子句,再譯被修飾的名詞或代名詞。
例: It was my best friend who/that stood by me when I felt sad.


1828 年,小托爾斯泰誕生於俄羅斯中部一個富裕顯赫的家庭。他長大後將寫下文學史上最偉大的兩部小說,並啟發影響全世界的社會改革。托爾斯泰不只是名俄羅斯作家,也是一位老師、一位哲學家,更是非暴力革命的始祖。



1. 根據本文,下列關於托爾斯泰的敘述何者最接近事實?
(A) 他一直很重視自己的農民出身。
(B) 他的老師認為他很聰明。
(C) 人們注意到他的作品後,他對生活感到很滿意。
(D) 他窮極一生努力尋找生活的意義。
題解: 根據本文,托爾斯泰出身顯赫、因認為求學沒有意義而離開校園、作品為人所知時依舊感到不得志,因此努力找尋生活的意義,故選 (D)。

2. 托爾斯泰的寫作風格有何特別之處?
(A) 他是第一位探討戰爭題材的作家。
(B) 他描述真正發生過的事件。
(C) 他書中的角色都十分逼真。
(D) 他撰寫關於改變歷史的偉大領導者的故事。
題解: 根據第二段,托爾斯泰鉅細靡遺描述事件與角色,深具說服力,模糊了虛構與現實之間的界線,故選 (C)。

3. 托爾斯泰曾想過自殺,因為 _____。
(A) 他還沒找到生命的意義
(B) 他在軍旅生活中受創
(C) 他失去寫作的靈感
(D) 他失去廣愛世人的信仰
題解: 根據第三段,托爾斯泰放棄財富和農民一起生活,決定除非找到生活的意義,否則寧可自我了斷,故選 (A)。

4. 甘地與托爾斯泰有何相似之處?
(A) 托爾斯泰採用甘地的信念,將之寫在書中。
(B) 托爾斯泰與甘地是大學同窗。
(C) 甘地幫助托爾斯泰找到生命的意義。
(D) 甘地運用托爾斯泰的想法努力解放印度。
題解: 根據第三段,甘地稍後在解放印度的運動中採用托爾斯泰的信念,發展出不流血、非暴力的被動抗爭手法,故選 (D)。

標準答案: 1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (D)

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