
101 Ways to Praise a Child

Translated by Wuyen Ni

WowWay to go好極了
Super超級棒You're special 你真特別
NeatWell done表現不錯
Remarkable了不起Looking good 帥呆了
You're on top of it你真夠頂尖Beautiful漂亮極了
Now you're flying 你飛上天了Nice work成果優異
Super start好的開始你已經成功了一半Fantastic炫斃了
I'm proud of you我以你為榮I knew you could do it就知道你可以做到
Good job幹得好That's incredible 你真不得了
Hot dog好傢伙Dynamite你真夠勁爆
You're beautiful你真美 You're unique你與眾不同
Nothing can stop you now你的威力檔不住Good for you你真不錯
I like you我喜歡你You're a winner你是個贏家
Remarkable job了不起的工作Beautiful work 你交出了一張漂亮的成績單
Spectacular你真出神入化You're terrific你太厲害了
You're darling 你可愛極了You're precious你是稀世珍寶
Great discovery偉大的發現You've found the secret 你掌握到訣竅了
You figured it out你懂了Fantastic job成果輝煌
Hip, hip, hooray 為你喝三聲彩Bingo對極了
Terrific 了不得You're important你很重要
Phenomenal不是蓋的You're sensational 你真是驚人
Super work完成超級任務Creative job有創意
Terrific job做得太好了 Exceptional performance異常表現
You're a real trooper你真勇You are responsible你真有責任感
Exciting真刺激You learned it right你學得真好
What an imagination想像力真豐富What a good listener 你是個好聽眾
You are fun你真有趣You're growing up你漸漸長大了
You tried hard 你盡力了You care你在乎
Beautiful sharing美好的分享Outstanding你太傑出了
You're a good friend你是個好朋友I trust you我信任你
You're important你舉足輕重You mean a lot to me 你在我心中份量不輕
You make me happy你使我高興You belong你屬於此
You've got a friend 我們來做朋友You make me laugh你讓我開心極了
You brighten my day你讓我日子充滿希望I respect you 我尊敬你
You mean the world to me你是我世界上最重要的人That's correct沒錯
You're a joy 有你就有歡樂You're a treasure你真是一塊寶
You're wonderful你真好You're perfect你完美無缺
Awesome哇塞A+ job工作表現超人一等
You're A-OK一級棒My buddy 好傢伙
You made my day你讓我感到好高興Hurray for you為你喝采
You're on target 你完全正確You're on your way你快成功了
How nice你做得真好How smart你真聰明
That's the best你無出其右A big hug來個擁抱
A big kiss值得吻一記I love you 我愛你
Yes就是這樣You're catching on你很受歡迎
Now you've got it你真有幾把刷子 You're incredible你簡直是不可思議
Bravo硬是要得You're fantastic你真棒

P.S. Remember, a smile is worth a thousand words.


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