
2007年9月29日 星期六《中英對照讀新聞》Linking president to penis may put Pole in prison把總統與「那話兒」連結,波蘭人可能要坐牢


《中英對照讀新聞》Linking president to penis may put Pole in prison把總統與「那話兒」連結,波蘭人可能要坐牢


A Polish computer programmer could face up to three years in jail for linking a Polish word for penis to the presidential Web site.


Marek W., 23, created a programme that caused the official home page of Polish President Lech Kaczynski to rank first in the list of results on the Google search engine when "kutas", a vulgar term in Polish, was typed in by an Internet user.


The computer programme did something similar to a practice known as "Google bombing" that links the Web sites of politicians and companies to insulting words or phrases.

該電腦程式與一種稱為「Google 炸彈」的作法類似,會把政治人物及企業的網站,與侮辱性字眼或詞語加以連結。

He has been charged with insulting the president and prosecutors said he could face up to three years in jail if convicted.


"This is not a matter of freedom of speech," said Andrzej Holdys, a regional prosecutor in the southern town of Cieszyn. "If somebody uses a derogatory word to libel the head of state then it's a clear insult which violates the law."




Google bomb:Google 炸彈,是一種試圖影響特定網頁在Google查詢結果排序的做法。依Google特定演算法,一個被很多相同關鍵字連結到的網站,會在Google得到較高網頁評等,從而影響查詢結果的排序, 即使被連結的網頁和那些關鍵字毫無關係。Google炸彈,也稱「Google清洗」(Google wash),可作動詞也可作名詞。

convict::動詞,(經審訊)判決…有罪,如 a person convicted of murder (一名兇殺犯);亦可作名詞,已被判決的犯人,如a murder convict,意思大致與前例相同。

