
2007年9月24日 星期一《中英對照讀新聞》 Angry Italians hold "pasta strike" over price hike 憤怒的義大利人舉行「義大利麵罷工」抗議漲價


《中英對照讀新聞》 Angry Italians hold "pasta strike" over price hike 憤怒的義大利人舉行「義大利麵罷工」抗議漲價


Many Italians excluded their beloved pasta from their supermarket shopping for a day recently in protest at forthcoming price rises and consumer groups hailed the boycott as an excellent result.


Italians are in a state of outrage that rising wheat prices mean a plate of spaghetti in the next few months will almost certainly go up, even if by only a few cents, as many families eat pasta every day of the week.


Carlo Pileri of the ADOC consumer group said that the rise in prices could prevent families from "saving money to buy other products, such as shoes, clothes or cars ... " -- three other Italian passions.


Consumer groups said a straw poll of shoppers leaving supermarkets in six cities showed nearly half had not bought a packet of pasta by midday -- hailed as an excellent result.


The jump in bread, pasta and dairy product prices will lead to an estimated annual 7 percent rise in food prices overall, according to comsumer groups. The move has touched an emotional nerve among Italians weary of steadily rising prices and higher taxes.



hike:名詞,指(物價等)突然大幅上漲,如The recent hike in train fares came as a shock to commuters.(火車票最近突然漲價,讓通勤者感到震驚。)

straw poll:(為測試民意所舉行的)假投票、非正式投票。

touch/strike/hit a (raw) nerve:使…感到不悅、生氣,如The criticism touched a nerve.(這項批評踩到了痛腳。)
