
2007年9月23日 星期日《中英對照讀新聞》Forbidden fruit: Chimp ladies love it 禁果:母猩猩就是愛它


《中英對照讀新聞》Forbidden fruit: Chimp ladies love it 禁果:母猩猩就是愛它


Pilfered fruit brazenly plucked under the farmer’s gaze may be the secret to stolen love, at least for wild male chimpanzees and their consorts, British researchers said.


Wild chimps in West Africa pinch fruits from local farms to impress the lady chimps, and it seems to pay off, said Dr. Kimberley Hockings of the University of Stirling’s department of psychology.


"The adult male who shared most with this female engaged in more consortships with her and received more grooming from her than the other adult males, even the alpha male," said Hockings, whose study appears in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS One.

「跟女伴分享最多(水果)的雄猩猩,能得到她最多的陪伴,也能從她獲得最多整理皮毛的服務,超過其他成年猩猩,甚至是猩猩群的首領,」赫京斯說。她這項研究報告已經刊登在公共科學圖書館PloS One上。

"Such daring behaviour may be considered an attractive trait," Hockings said in comments e-mailed to the press.


The favoured fruit was typically papaya, which is large and easy to share, but oranges and pineapple also scored.



forbidden fruit:禁果,後轉為暗指性愛等肉體歡愉;本文的forbidden fruit,既指實體的水果,又引申為求愛。

consort:名詞,配偶、夥伴、合作;動詞,結交(朋友)、符合。to consort with someone(與某人友好)。

alpha male:(組織或群體中)最重要的男人(雄性動物)、男首領,如果是一男(公)一女(母),統計則稱alpha pair。例句︰Alpha male means the male in charge of all the other males in his social group.(Alpha male 意指統領其社群中所有男/雄性的男/雄性首領。)
