
選擇購買標的與議價 (學習分享)

每週 一 出刊.2008.04.14
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
選擇購買標的與議價 (學習分享)

選擇購買標的與議價 (學習分享)

(★ 聽對話內容)

本週話題焦點:選擇購買標的與議價 (學習分享)

A couple of weeks have passed since Debby purchased a book on price negotiation skills. Doug comes by her office to discuss her progress.
自從 Debby 買了議價技巧的書之後,已過了幾個禮拜。Doug 經過她的辦公室,談論她在這方面的進展。

Doug: So, has that book helped you in any way?

Debbie: I can't begin to tell you how much it has helped me. I have learned so many negotiating tactics that will not only help me get the price I want, but will also help to achieve better operational performance and reduce risk.

Doug: You really do sound a lot more confident.

Debby: I'm going to recommend this book to everyone in my department. It will help them to become world-class purchasing professionals!

Doug: I'm glad to see you so pumped and full of drive and determination!

Debby: I've really learned a lot about tactical and strategic purchasing and I just want to share my knowledge with all my colleagues.

Doug: Just don't get too carried away! You don't want people to think that you've been brainwashed by some late-night infomercial guy!

Debby: Right! Don't worry. I can lend it to you and you can make up your own mind about it.

Doug: No thanks. I hate reading books. I've never been a bookworm!

Debby: Okay. If you say so!

Doug: I have to get back to work now. Take it easy!

1. operational (adj.) 經營上的;操作上的

例:It will help to achieve better operationa l performance and reduce risk.


例:If you have any operational problems with the patio furniture, you can our service hotline to request help.


2. determination (n.) 決心;果斷

例:I'm glad to see you so pumped and full of drive and determination!


例: Jeff finished the tough project with his great determination and effort.

(Jeff 以他強大的決心與努力完成了這項艱鉅的專案。)

3. get carried away 激動

例:Just don't get too carried away!


例:He got carried away when he got the news of getting promoted.


4. brainwashed  (adj.) 被洗腦的

例:You don't want people to think that you've been brainwashed by some late-night infomercial guy!


例:Don't listen to him! He has been brainwashed by the TV show.


5. infomercial (n.) 電視購物的節目

例:You can find anything you need on infomercials.


例:The infomercials are getting more and more popular in Taiwan.


※ 小叮嚀:

"infomerical" 是一個由 "information"(資訊)及 "commercial"(商業廣告)所合併組成的單字。


1. One of the ____ strategies of ____ is to make the audience ____ ____ ____ when they see the new products.


2. He has great ____ to not to be ____ by the ____ guy.




1. One of the operational strategies of infomercials is to make the audience get carried away when they see the new products.


2. He has great determination to not to be brainwashedby the infomercial guy.



1. 難以形容 …

   I can't begin to tell you …

例:I can't begin to tell you how much it has helped me.


例: I can't begin to tell you what an exciting and breathtaking movie that was!


2. 下定決心 / 決定 …

   make up one's mind about + N / V-ing …

例:I can lend it to you and you can make up your own mind about whether you want to read it or not.


例:I haven't made up my mind about what I am going to do after graduating from school.


※ 小叮嚀:

"make up one's mind" 之後也可使用不定詞 to 加原形動詞。

例:He made up his mind to be a teacher.(他下定決心要當一個老師。)


1. 我實在難以形容我有多感激你所為我們做的一切。

2. 她已經下定決心要把戒指還給她的前男友。


1. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate what you have done to us.

2. She has made up her mind about returning the ring to her ex-boyfriend.


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出刊日期 出刊主題
2008-04-07 選擇購買標的與議價 (修習協商...
2008-03-31 選擇購買標的與議價 (無議價空...
2008-03-24 工作會議 (商業採購、議價)
2008-03-17 工作會議 (回顧與展望)
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