
工作會議 (商業採購、議價)

每週 一 出刊.2008.03.24
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
工作會議 (商業採購、議價)

工作會議 (商業採購、議價)

(★ 聽對話內容)

本週話題焦點:工作會議 (商業採購、議價)

Diane is a purchaser for the Taiwan Wine and Spirits Company. She has just contacted a winery in Australia to discuss their selection of wines.
Diane 是 Taiwan Wine and Spirits Company 的採購員。她剛聯絡一位澳洲的酒商,要與他討論他們的精選葡萄酒。

Diane: Good morning. May I speak to Jack Dooling?
Diane: 早安。請問Jack Dooling在嗎?

Jack: This is Jack speaking. How may I help you?
Jack: 我就是。有什麼我能為你服務的?

Diane: My name is Diane Liu, and I'm a buyer for the Taiwan Wine and Spirits Company in Taiwan. I'm calling to inquire about your selection of red wine.

Diane: 我的名字是Diane Liu,我是Taiwan Wine and Spirits Company的採購員。我打來是想詢問有關你們的精選葡萄酒。

Jack: All right. Are you familiar with our company and products?

Jack: 好的。你對我們的公司和產品熟悉嗎?

Diane: Well, your wine was recommended to me by a colleague of mine, and I actually tasted a glass of your 2001 vintage, which I found to be quite exquisite.
Diane: 這個嘛,貴公司的酒是由我的一位同事推薦給我的,我其實有品嚐過你們2001年份的葡萄酒,我覺得味道還滿細緻的。

Jack: That was a good year for us. The vineyard was blessed with abundant sunshine and the grapes were very aromatic that year.
Jack: 那對我們而言,是個豐收的一年。葡萄園裡幸運地有充足的陽光籠罩,那年的葡萄特別香甜。

Diane: I would be interested in receiving a price list for all of the fine wines that you have in stock.
Diane: 我想要你們所有庫存好酒的價目表。

Jack: No problem. Just e-mail me your request and I will reply with a price list including terms and conditions.
Jack: 沒問題。請e-mail給我你的需求清單,我會將含有購物條款的價目表回覆給您。

Diane: Wonderful. I will take a thorough look at it once I receive it.
Diane: 太好了。我收到的時候,會仔細看過一遍的。

Jack: Do you have my e-mail address?
Jack: 你有我的e-mail地址嗎?

Diane: Yes, it's right here on your website.
Diane: 有的,就在你們的網站上。

Jack: Great. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Have a nice day!
Jack: 那很好。期待能再接到你的來電。祝你有美好的一天。

Diane: You too!
Diane: 你也是!

1.inquire  (v.) 調查;詢問

例:I'm calling to inquire about your selection of red wine.


例:I would like to inquire where I can buy the admission ticket.

(我想要詢問我在哪裡可以買到入場券。)& amp; amp; nbsp;

※ 小叮嚀:

inquire 為「詢問」之意時,可以介係詞 about 加名詞或是接名詞子句。而 inquire 解釋為「調查」時,通常是以 into 加名詞。

2. vintage (n.) 葡萄酒;釀酒年份

例:I actually tasted a glass of your 2001 vintage.

(我其實有品嚐過你們 2001 年份的葡萄酒。)

例:He is very proud of owning lots of rare vintages.


※ 小叮嚀: vintage 特別指品質優良的葡萄酒。

3. exquisite  (adj.) 精緻的;敏銳的

例:I found your red wine to be quite exquisite.


例:It is easy to discover that the hostess has exquisite taste in decoration.


4. abundant (adj.) 充足的;豐富的

例:The vineyard was blessed with abundant sunshine and the grapes were very aromatic that year.


例:The scientists found out abundant resources in the deep ocean.


5. thorough  (adj.) 仔細的;徹底的

例:I will take a thorough look at it once I receive it.


例:They have made a thorough examination of the medicine.



1. The ____ sunshine in this year made the ____ taste quite.


2. The woman came here to ____ why the police had to conduct a ____ investigation of her background.




1. The abundant sunshine in this year made the vintages taste quite exquisite.


2. The woman came here to inquire why the police had to conduct a thorough investigation of her background.



1. 某人熟悉 …

  sb be familiar with …

例:Are you familiar with our company and products?


例:The suspect was very familiar with the victim's daily routines.


2.幸運地擁有 / 具有 …

  sth be blessed with …

例:The vineyard was blessed with abundant sunshine and the grapes were very aromatic that year.


例:Few women can be blessed with both beauty and wisdom.


※ 小叮嚀:

"bless" 原為「上天保佑、庇護」之意。所以 "be blessed with" 才有被保佑而幸運擁有某物的意思。


1. 我不太熟悉這臺從我叔叔那借來的相機的操作方式。

2. 在這棟建築物裡的所有房間中,我的套房幸運地具有最迷人的海景。


1. I am not familiar with the operation of the camera that was borrowed fromm my cousin.
2. My suite is blessed with the most fantastic ocean view among all the rooms in this building.

前期文章 全部歷史文章
出刊日期 出刊主題
2008-03-17 工作會議 (回顧與展望)
2008-03-10 工作會議 (產品推廣會議)
2008-03-03 工作會議 (產品手冊會議)
2008-02-25 工作會議 (公司營運檢討會議)
in the same boat = 同舟共濟?
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