
2007年11月25日 星期日《中英對照讀英文》Fifty years ago, Laika was first living creature in space 50年前,萊卡是首度進入太空的生物


《中英對照讀英文》Fifty years ago, Laika was first living creature in space 50年前,萊卡是首度進入太空的生物


Her name in translation means "barker," but in the end Laika, the first living creature in space, must have gone out whimpering.


When Soviet space scientists sent her up exactly 50 years ago this November 3, the two-year-old mongrel was expected to live for several days. In fact, it was later revealed, she lasted only a few hours.


Soviet propaganda at the time said she would find a peaceful end through lack of oxygen after days of orbiting the Earth aboard Sputnik 2.


A Russian scientist revealed just a few years ago, however, that she was killed by overheating in her tiny capsule after only a few hours in space.


Yet the memory of her flight in the 80-centrimetre metal cylinder is immortal. And there was a small degree of luxury for the first creature in space.


The capsule that was her home and coffin had a tiny peephole, there was oxygen and food for seven days, and a cooling system-albeit one that failed under heat from the third stage of the rocket that failed to disengage.



whimper:動詞,啜泣、抽噎、抱怨;名詞,啜泣聲、抽噎聲、牢騷。例句︰He listened her whimper without a word.(他不發一語聽她抱怨。)

end:名詞,末端、盡頭、目的、死亡、下場、結束。文中 a peaceful end,就是平靜地死去。

immortal:形容詞,不朽的、不死的;名詞,不朽人物、神話中的神。Nothing is immortal.(沒有東西能永遠留存。)

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