
2007年11月23日 星期五《中英對照讀新聞》Australian party leader laments behavior captured by Parliament’s camera澳洲黨魁悲嘆私下舉動被國會攝影機拍下


《中英對照讀新聞》Australian party leader laments behavior captured by Parliament's camera澳洲黨魁悲嘆私下舉動被國會攝影機拍下


The embarrassing footage was captured by Parliament's official television camera at least six years ago as Kevin Rudd, then a junior Labor Party lawmaker, sat in the House Representatives listening to a colleague question a government minister.


Rudd, who is likely to become Australia's prime minister in November election, is seen in the background absent-mindedly probing his left ear before apparently placing the same finger in his mouth.


Rudd was questioned by the media about his behavior after the footage recently featured on U.S. national television on NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." "I'm really pleased about that — how did I go on Jay Leno?" Rudd said.


"All of us in public and private life I'm sure would wish our behavior to be more ideal," he told reporters, declining to comment further.


Rudd, who was elected Labor leader in December last year, has previously told journalists he was scratching his chin.



pick one's ear wax:掏耳屎。pick,動詞,挑;摘;選擇,亦有「挑剔,找人麻煩」之意。例句:What's wrong with you? Why are you always picking on me?(你有什麼毛病?你為什麼老是找我麻煩?)

absent-mindedly:副詞,心不在焉地。類似組合的辭彙如 high-minded(高尚超凡的),feeble-minded(愚笨的,意志薄弱的),sober-minded(腦筋清醒、嚴肅持重的)。

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