
2007年10月18日 星期四《中英對照讀新聞》You are how you sleep睡眠透露個性

《中英對照讀新聞》You are how you sleep睡眠透露個性


As you lay your head on your pillow tonight, spare a thought for anyone who might share your bed—particularly if you're selfish, intolerant or anarchic.


Most of us would deny being any of these while awake, but the way people behave as they snooze is an entirely different matter.


Research by Dr Simon Williams of the University of Warwick divides sleepers into eight categories, from the socially attentive, intolerant, selfish and anarchic to the snoozers, nappers, feigners and deviants.


The socially attentive are easily roused. "Parents' sleep, particularly mothers', may also be 'retuned', such that the slightest cry of the newborn infant awakens them," writes Dr Williams.


Intolerant sleepers prioritise their own sleep to the detriment of significant others. The selfish include snorers, sleepwalkers who fail to seek treatment, and men who on hearing the baby crying just turn over.


Anarchic sleepers fail to conform to convention regarding the proper time and place for sleep.



prioritise︰給予…優先權,把事情優先順序排好。例句:You must learn to prioritize your work.(你必須學著排好工作的優先順序。)

detriment︰損害。例句:Are you sure that I can follow this diet without detriment to my health?(你確定我可以這樣吃來減肥,不會傷身體嗎?)

conform︰遵照。例句:If you don't conform to the traffic laws, you might get hurt.(如果不遵守交通法規,你可能會受傷。)



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