
2007年10月15日 星期一<中英對照讀新聞> Japanese civil servants shirked duties to edit Wikipedia 日本公務員逃避工作來編輯Wikipedia

<中英對照讀新聞> Japanese civil servants shirked duties to edit Wikipedia 日本公務員逃避工作來編輯Wikipedia


The widespread addiction to manga among Japan's salarymen has landed several civil servants in trouble after they were caught editing Wikipedia's Japanese-language site, often altering entries on comic books and other subjects that bore no relation to their work.


Six bureaucrats working for the agriculture ministry have been verbally reprimanded after a cyber-investigation by their bosses revealed that, rather than attending to beef quotas and rice prices, they were making hundreds of tweaks to entries on manga comics.


The favourite target was a page devoted to Gundam, a long-running, hugely popular animated series about robots. One of the six wayward bureaucrats had made 260 changes to the Gundam site alone. Since 2003 the six had made a total of 408 entries during office hours.


The ministry made clear that the gun-toting "and occasionally malfunctioning robots" were not part of its remit. "The agriculture ministry is not in charge of robots," spokesman Tsutomu Shimomura said.



shirk:逃避義務(責任)、偷懶,如I shall not shirk from my obligations.(我絕不會規避責任。)shirker則指逃避責任的人。

tweak:原指扭、捏、擰,文中指修改、調整使…更為正確或合適,亦可做動詞,如You just need to tweak the last paragraph and then it's done.(你只要稍微修改最後一段,文章就完成了。)

malfunction: 發生故障、失常,可做動詞和名詞,如Shortly before the crash the pilot had reported a malfunction of the aircraft's navigation system.(在墜機前駕駛曾回報飛機的導航系統失靈。)



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