
行銷策略與會議報告 (在會議中作簡報)

每週 一 出刊.2008.08.04
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
行銷策略與會議報告 (在會議中作簡報)

行銷策略與會議報告 (在會議中作簡報)

(★ 聽對話內容)

本週話題焦點:行銷策略與會議報告 (在會議中作簡報)

Maggie has just finished her meeting with Nolan, when she bumps into Greg in the hallway.
Maggie 剛和 Nolan 開完會,她在走廊上巧遇 Greg。

Greg: Fancy meeting you here. What were you doing in Nolan's office?
Greg:真高興在這兒見到你。你在 Nolan 辦公室裡做什麼?

Maggie: I was listening to him rattle on about some information that he got at a conference last week. He wants me to present it to the marketing team this Friday.

Greg: So why do you look so stressed?

Maggie: He just kept on talking about it and I couldn't get a word in edgewise!

Greg: Nolan is always like that. Don't take it hard! It's really just his personality.
Greg:Nolan 總是那樣。別太在意!那真的只是他的個性使然。

Maggie: I really hate giving presentations. I was never any good at public speaking when I was a student. I'm really too shy and I lack the confidence to give a convincing presentation.

Greg: Maybe you should go and take a course.

Maggie: I really don't have time for that. The meeting is this Friday.

Greg: Then I guess that you'll just have to tough it out! I have a pointer for you. Do you wanna hear it?

Maggie: Sure.

Greg: Well, once I heard that if you imagine that everyone in the meeting room is naked, you won't feel so shy and embarrassed.

Maggie: Are you kidding me?

Greg: No! I'm dead serious. Try it!

1. bump into 無意中巧遇

例:Maggie has just finished her meeting with Nolan, when she bumps into Greg in the hallway.

(Maggie 剛和 Nolan 開完會,她在走廊上巧遇 Greg。)

例:We bumped into our high school teacher on the plane next month.


※ 小叮嚀:
"bump" 原為「撞擊」之意。"bump into" 為口語上常用表示「巧遇某人」。

2. rattle on 喋喋不休地說話

例:I was listening to him rattle on about some information that he got at a conference last week.


例:I am sick of listening to him rattling on about how hard he works.


3. take it hard 在意;擔心;煩惱

例:Don't take it hard! It's really just his personality.


例:Don't make fun of that boy! He will take it hard!


4. convincing  (adj.) 具說服力的

例:I'm really too shy and I lack the confidence to give a convincing presentation.


例:His explanation was not convincing enough, and thus no one believed him at that time.


5. embarrassed (adj.) 尷尬的;困窘的

例:I heard that if you imagine that everyone in the meeting room is naked, you won't feel so shy and embarrassed.


例:Wearing a bikini makes her feel very embarrassed .



1. She was really ____ when she ____ ____ her ex-boyfriend with his fiancée.


2. Don't ____ ____ ____! His speech was not ____ at all when he ____ ____ about the issue.




1. She was really embarrassed when she bumped into her ex-boyfriend with his fiancée.


2. Don't take it hard! His speech was not convincing at all when he rattled on about the issue.



1. 插上話 …

   get a word in edge-wise

例:He just kept on talking about it and I couldn't get a word in edge-wise!


例:She is too shy to get a word in edgewise when having a chat with others.


2. 擅長 …

   be good at + V-ing / N …

例:I was never any good at public speaking when I was a student.


例:He is that versatile musician who is good at playing the piano, violin, cello and saxophone!



1. 當他談到他女兒時,沒人能插得上話。

2. 他是個標準的家庭煮夫,擅長煮飯和家務事。


1. When he talked about his daughter, no one could get a word in edge-wise.

2. He is a standard housband who is good at cooking and housekeeping.


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2008-07-28 行銷策略與會議報告
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