
It's Good to Be a Finn 波羅的海的女兒

每週 四 出刊.2008.05.15
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
It's Good to Be a Finn 波羅的海的女兒

It's Good to Be a Finn 波羅的海的女兒

by Kevin Lustig

From language to light shows, Finland has many features to explore.

When visiting Helsinki, the capital of Finland, for the first time, it is a good idea to enter by way of the sea. Helsinki is said to make a dazzling appearance on the horizon as you sail towards it, which is why it has been poetically called "The Daughter of the Baltic Sea." It is not only the spectacular sight of Helsinki that makes Finland distinct from its neighbors, Norway and Sweden. While the latter countries are in many ways quite similar, Finland has an altogether different language, culture, and history.

The people of Finland, or Finns, are descended from nomads who traveled north from Eastern Europe thousands of years ago. Avoiding the fate of other nomadic groups around Europe, the Finn's ancient traditions survived and evolved over time. For this reason, the Finnish language sounds very different from other European languages. For example, the Finnish word for Finland is actually "Suomi."

The most famous product that has its roots in the ancient Finnish culture is probably the sauna. Saunas are rooms in which water is thrown on heated stones, making the air hot and humid. Visiting a sauna is a great way to relax and escape the cold, but it has also been an important social activity for Finns for centuries. In saunas, Finns celebrate a sense of community; controversial topics of conversation are avoided and formal titles are dispensed with.

For ages, Finnish culture has kept traditions alive that have disappeared almost everywhere else. Luckily for us, modern Finns aren't going to let their unique culture disappear any time soon.

1. dazzling a. 炫目的,燦爛的
2. sail vi. 航行
3. poetically adv. 詩意地
4. Baltic Sea n. 波羅的海
5. spectacular a. 壯觀的
6. altogether adv. 完全,全然
7. nomad n. 遊牧民族
8. nomadic a. 遊牧的
9. sauna n.(芬蘭的)蒸汽浴(室),三溫暖(室)
10. humid a. 潮濕的
11. escape vt. 避免;逃脫
12. community n. 社區
a sense of community  社區意識
13. controversial a. 受爭議的
controversy n. 爭議

While the latter countries are in many ways quite similar, ...
= While Norway and Sweden are in many ways quite similar, ...

原句的 the latter countries 指的就是前一句句尾的 Norway(挪威)和 Sweden(瑞典)這兩個國家。the latter 亦可作代名詞,表兩者中的『後者』,而『前者』則用 the former 來代替。

the former...the latter...  前者……後者……
例: Bill and Jeff are brothers. The former is a college student, and the latter is a lawyer.

1. on the horizon  在地/水平線上
be on the horizon  即將到來
= be near at hand
= be around the corner
= be fast approaching
例: The sailors were excited when they saw an island on the horizon.
例: John never studies except when exams are on the horizon.

2. distinct a. 與其他不同的
be distinct from...  和……截然不同
例: Our magazine is distinct from other English-teaching magazines.

3. be descended from...  是……的後代/後裔
descend vt. 系出(用被動式)
例: My professor is descended from one of China's emperors.

4. evolve vi. 發展;進化
evolve into...  演變成……;進化成……
例: Though the company started very small, it evolved into a worldwide enterprise.

5. have one's roots in...  根源於/來自於……
例: Rock has its roots in blues.

6. dispense with...  免除……
dispense vi. 免除
例: Let's dispense with the business talk and have lunch.

7. keep sth alive  使某物繼續存在/持續下去
例: Sean keeps his dream of owning a coffee shop alive.

芬蘭人是遊牧民族的後裔,他們的祖先幾千年前從東歐往北遷移。但芬蘭並沒有步上其他歐洲遊牧民族的後塵,他們的古老傳統得以保存,並隨著時代演變。基於這個原因,芬蘭語聽起來和其他的歐洲語言很不一樣。例如,Finland 這個字在芬蘭語中是 Suomi。
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