
Saving Blood, Saving Lives 捐『血』一袋,救人一命

每週 四 出刊.2008.03.13
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
Saving Blood, Saving Lives 捐『血』一袋,救人一命 ...
Coffee & Desserts 咖啡與甜點


Saving Blood, Saving Lives 捐『血』一袋,救人一命

by Luke Dodds

Having a baby can inspire new parents to try the latest method for ensuring their child's health. _(1)_
Cord blood is collected immediately after a baby is born. The blood is valuable because it is rich in stem cells that can be used in treating diseases like childhood cancers and immune system disorders. _(2)_ Stem cells, on the other hand, can easily turn into useful red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets (血小板), which restore the immune system and help patients become healthy again. Although stem cells can also be taken from other sources, cord blood stem cells are especially valuable because they are easily accepted into a patient's body, _(3)_ The potential for future uses of stem cells, such as the creation of entire rgans, is another reason people are considering storing their baby's cord blood.

However, there are drawbacks. _(4)_ Second, the effort might be wasted since it's highly unlikely that a stem cell transplant will ever be needed. And third, if such a transplant were necessary, it's doubtful that the child's own cord blood would be better than that from another donor. Furthermore, even if a child's disease can be treated with cord blood, _(5)_ For these reasons, doctors discourage private cord blood storage, but support the donation of cord blood to public blood banks. If a transplant were necessary, a likely match could be found in a public bank.

Storing a child's cord blood could possibly save his or her life someday. However, it could also turn out to be a waste of resources and money. Despite the drawbacks, many parents are choosing to spend money on cord blood storage, just in case.

(A) Treatment of such diseases normally involves radiation that can be harmful to the patient.
(B) To begin with, storing cord blood is quite expensive.
(C) it may be likely that the child's own cord blood stem cells carry the same defect that caused the disease.
(D) while other types of stem cells are often rejected.
(E) Recently, that method has been storing the blood from newborn babies' umbilical cords (臍帶).

1. 第一題空格應選 (E)
a. 空格前一句提到,對於新手爸媽而言,新生兒的到來會促使他們嘗試最新的方法(method)來確保孩子的健康。
b. (E) 選項的句子說,在最近,那種方法(method)便是儲存新生兒的臍帶血,語意連貫,因此 (E) 應為正選。
umbilical cord n. 臍帶
umbilicus n. 肚臍

2. 第二題空格應選 (A)
a. 空格前一句表示,臍帶血相當珍貴是由於它富含幹細胞,可以用來治療(can be used in treating)兒童癌症和免疫系統失調。
b. (A) 選項的句子主詞是 Treatment of such diseases(這些疾病的治療),和前一句的 treating 產生關聯,故 (A) 應為正選。
a. treatment n. 治療
b. involve vt. 包含,需要
例: I didn't know making a movie involved so much work.
c. radiation n. 放射線
d. be harmful to...  對……有害
例: Secondhand smoke is harmful to your health.

3. 第三題空格應選 (D)
a. 空格前的句子提到,雖然幹細胞可以從別的來源取得(be taken from other sources),但臍帶血的幹細胞特別寶貴,因為容易被病人接受(are easily accepted into a patient's body),且空格前為逗點,可知應置入小寫開頭的選項。
b. (D) 項的句子 為 while 開頭,並提到其他來源的幹細胞(other types of stems cells)則經常被人體排斥(are often rejected),與空格前的句子形成反差,因此 (D) 應為正選。
reject vt. 排斥;拒絕
例: David's body rejected the donor's liver.

4. 第四題空格應選 (B)
a. 空格前的句子表示,臍帶血也有其缺點,空格後則接連列舉其缺點。
b. (B) 項的句子開頭為 To begin with(首先),儲存臍帶血所費不貲,與空格後連續幾個說明臍帶血其他缺點的句子 "Second, ..."(第二,……)、"And third, ..."(第三,……)、"Furthermore, ..."(此外,……)等形成語意連貫,故 (B) 應為正選。
to begin with  首先(常用於句首)
例: I can't come out tonight. To begin with, I have a lot of homework, and I also have to clean my room.

5. 第五題空格應選 (C)
a. 空格前的句子提到,就算臍帶血(cord blood)可以用來治療孩童的疾病(a child's disease),且空格前為逗點,可知應置入小寫開頭的選項。
b. (C) 項的句子為 it 開頭,並提到孩童自己的臍帶血幹細胞(the child's own cord blood stem cells)很有可能帶有造成疾病的相同缺陷(the same defect that caused the disease),分別與逗點前的 cord blood 及 a child's disease 形成相關,故 (C) 應為正選。
a. it is likely + that 子句  很有可能……
例: If we go to the mountains, it's likely that Peter will want to come, too.
b. defect n. 缺陷

* ..., it's doubtful that the child's own cord blood would be better than that from another donor.
= ..., it's doubtful that the child's own cord blood would be better than the cord blood from another donor.

1. inspire sb to V  激勵某人(做)……
例: The article about Picasso inspired me to try to paint in a cubist style.

2. be rich in...  含有豐富的……;富含……
例: Greece is rich in history, and many of its ancient buildings are still standing.

3. on the other hand  另一方面
on (the) one hand...on the other (hand)... 
例: On one hand, we could go to see a movie. On the other hand, we could just rent one.

4. restore vt. 恢復,修復
例: The good job you did on the last project restored my confidence in you.

5. transplant n. 移植 & vt. 移植
例: Daniel hurt his face badly, so the doctor transplanted skin to his face.

6. doubtful a. 不明確的,令人懷疑的
例: It is highly doubtful that the police will find the real murderer.

7. discourage vt. 勸阻;使沮喪
discourage sb from V-ing   勸某人不要(做)……
encourage sb to V  鼓勵某人(做)……
例: She tried to discourage him from climbing the mountain by telling him that there were monsters at the top.

8. turn out (to be) + N/adj.  結果是……
例: I thought the show was going to be great, but it turned out to be pretty bad.

1. ensure vt. 確保
2. stem cell n. 幹細胞
3. immune system n. 免疫系統
4. disorder n. 失調
5. platelet n. 血小板
6. potential n. 潛力,可能性
7. organ n. 器官
8. drawback n. 缺點
9. donor n. 捐贈者
donation n. 捐贈
10. storage n. 貯藏
11. someday adv. 有朝一日

1. immediately after...  ……之後立即
2. turn into...  變成……
3. spend + 金錢 + on...  花費……(金錢)在……上
4. just in case  以防萬一



標準答案: 1. (E) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (C)
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