
《中英對照讀新聞》New Yorkers try facial yoga to reduce wrinkles 紐約客練臉部瑜伽消除皺紋


《中英對照讀新聞》New Yorkers try facial yoga to reduce wrinkles 紐約客練臉部瑜伽消除皺紋


Botox and plastic surgery may promise to reduce wrinkles, but some New Yorkers are turning to facial yoga to achieve a youthful appearance.


At a recent class in Manhattan’s wealthy Upper East Side, yoga instructor Annelise Hagen teaches several facial exercises designed to stretch and tone facial muscles.


A group of women practice moves including "The Lion," showing the tongue hanging out and eyes rolled up. Hagen encourages class members to hold the position for 60 seconds, joking:"You can do this any time. It really helps you get a seat on the train."


Hagen recently released a book,"The Yoga Face: Eliminate Wrinkles with the Ultimate Natural Facelift."She said she developed a workshop using facial yoga because women wanted to look their best, "but they weren’t really thinking about how to exercise their facial muscles."



promise:名詞,承諾、希望;動詞,允諾、答應。to promise to V,給人有…的希望,例句︰Practice may promise to win.(練習就有贏的機會。)

exercise:名詞,運動、鍛鍊、軍演、行使權力;動詞,鍛鍊、行使。to exercise his/her rights(行使他/她的權利)。

position:名詞,位置、身分地位、立場;動詞,放在…位置。The army is well-positioned.(部隊位置良好)
