
China...The Advancing Bull 最牛中國

每週 二 出刊.2008.10.28
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
China...The Advancing Bull 最牛中國
Building Your Vocabulary
Phrases for Learning
Extra Words
Grammar Check

China...The Advancing Bull 最牛中國

  New things are happening in China as it moves into the future. This month, National Geographic Channel will report on some interesting stories of change.
  For a long time, Japan has been in the lead in making eco-2cars. Now, China wants to try, too. Instead of developing expensive new technology3, though, China is trying to produce eco-cars by using parts that are already available. So far, it is working, and The Eco-car Challenge will show you how.
  In a place where the old and new are mixed together, life can be tricky. Some parents in China are now worried because their only child4 is around the age that is considered suitable for marriage. With the need for security5 in their old age, parents want their only child to marry well. Therefore, in an effort to help their children out, parents are trying to be matchmakers6. The children, however, are not always happy about this. Watch Match-making Parents to see how hard these parents are working just for a wedding.
  For more news on China, watch NGC's Shanghai Bus Terminal7. You will find out how something as simple as riding a bus can get very complicated during the Chinese New Year.

Building Your Vocabulary 

1. tricky a. 棘手的;困難的
Fixing your computer is a tricky task.
2. complicated a. 複雜的
This novel is too complicated for me.
Phrases for Learning 

1. be in the lead  居領先地位
Our product is in the lead in this industry.
2. so far  到某一點/程度/距離為止
So far, no one has broken Jon's record.
3. in an effort to + 原形動詞  為了完成/達成……
Greg has gone on a diet in an effort to lose some weight.
4. help + 人 + out  幫某人一把;分擔某人的工作
Can you help me out with the housework?
Extra Words 

1. advancing a. 前進的,進步的
2. eco- prefix 與環境相關的,生態的
3. technology n. 科技
4. only child n. 獨生子/女
5. security n. 保障
6. matchmaker n. 媒人
7. terminal n.(飛機、公車等的)終點站
Grammar Check 

,font color="#414D7A">You will find out how something as simple as riding a bus...
Adam is so smart as Max. (×)
→ Adam is as smart as Max. (○)

Angel doesn't work as hard as I.
Angel doesn't work so hard as I.
前期文章 全部歷史文章
出刊日期 出刊主題
2008-10-21 The Traditions of Halloween ...
2008-10-14 The Early-Bird Trend 迎向晨...
2008-10-07 No More Bad Blood 『芥蒂』宜...
2008-09-30 Cheering for the Team 加油吶...
The Traditions of Halloween 萬聖節傳統
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