
檢視現有產品 (考慮委外代工)

每週 一 出刊.2008.09.22
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
檢視現有產品 (考慮委外代工)

檢視現有產品 (考慮委外代工)

(★ 聽對話內容)

本週話題焦點:檢視現有產品 (考慮委外代工)

Frank and Wendy are in charge of product development for the Taiwan Gadget Company. They are in the planning stages of creating some new products, and they are discussing the possibility of outsourcing.
Frank 和 Wendy 負責為 Taiwan Gadget Company 的產品開發工作。他們現在處於創造新產品的計劃階段,且正討論委外代工的可能性。

Frank: I had a meeting with the general manager yesterday, and he told me that any new products would probably have to be outsourced to another manufacturer.

Wendy: I figured that would happen sooner or later!

Frank: Actually, I think the factory here in Taiwan will close within the next three years. The company doesn't have enough capital or investment interest to build a new factory in China, so I guess that outsourcing will be our only option.

Wendy: That would make sense for us since we're only a midsize organization.

Frank: First, we'll just focus on what will be made, then later we'll worry about how and where it will be made.

Wendy: Right! That's our top priority for the time being!

Frank: Let's take a look at the new kitchen utensils they've designed. Do you have the plans with you?

Wendy: They're right here. I gave the original copy to the engineer so that he could make a prototype.

Frank: Great! You're always on the ball!

1. outsource (v.) 外包

例:He told me that any new products would probably have to be outsourced another manufacturer.


例:In order to increase the efficiency, they decided to outsource their products to other factories.


2. figure (v.) 料想到;估計

例:I figure that would happen sooner or later!


例:No one ever figured that there would be such a serious earthquake in Taiwan.


3. capital (n.) 資金;本錢

例:The company doesn't have enough capital or investment interest to build a new factory in China, so I guess that outsourcing will be our only option.


例:I really don't suggest that you put all your capital into one stock.


4. priority (adv.) 優先;重點

例:That's our top priority for the time being!


例:Our first priority should be to find a shelter for the victims of tsunami.


5. utensil (adj.) 用具;器皿

例:Let's take a look at the new kitchen utensils they've designed.


例:I would like to buy a set of exquisite cooking utensils as the weeding gift for my best friends.



1. His first ____ is to invest the ____ into those promising listed companies.


2. I didn't ____ that I would get a set of kitchen ____ from my mother.




1. His first priority is to invest the capital into those promising listed companies.


2. I didn't figure that I would get a set of kitchen utensils from my mother.



1. … 有道理的 / 可以理解的

   … make sense …

例:That would make sense for us since we're only a midsize organization.


例:It doesn't make sense if they don't provide any compensation for a delayed passenger.


2. 某人做 … 很機靈

   s.b. be on the ball (about) …

例:Great! You're always on the ball!


例:They are really on the ball about dealing with all the customers' feedback and complaints.


※ 小叮嚀:

"s.b. be on the ball" 是屬於比較非正式、口語化的講法。通常是指某人處理某事相當機警而靈敏。


1. 她會對類型相似的男人有好感是有道理的。。

2. 她對於如何做生意是很機靈的。


1. It made sense that she would be attracted to the similar kind of men.

2. She is really on the ball about how to handle the business.


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出刊日期 出刊主題
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