
Spend Time with Your Pets 終結寵物的孤單

每週 二 出刊.2008.05.20
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
Spend Time with Your Pets 終結寵物的孤單
Building Your Vocabulary
Phrases for Learning
Tips In Use

Spend Time with Your Pets 終結寵物的孤單

There is a humorous> comic strip1 about a dog that is lying on a psychiatrist's2 couch. "Sometimes I feel like I'm barking up the wrong tree, doctor!" says the worried dog. Pets don't seem to have the same problems and fears that people do. But pets can get in bad moods when they are stuck inside all day while their owners are at work.

Dogs are very social, and they often misbehave when they spend too much time alone. To prevent your dog from chewing the furniture3, try taking it for a long walk before work. That way, your dog will be less active during the day. Leaving the TV on or playing relaxing music might also decrease your pet's stress. Although cats seem more independent than dogs, they can get bored during the day, too. For cats, a fun environment makes all the difference. Leave some toys around for the cat to play with. A simple paper bag actually makes a great cat toy! Even with all this, the best thing to do is to spend as much time as possible with your pet.

在一幅詼諧的連環漫畫中,有隻小狗躺在精神科醫生的沙發上。小狗擔心地說:『醫生,有時候我總覺得我好像吠錯對象了。』(編按:"bark up the wrong tree"為一諺語,原指獵犬以為獵物跑上了某棵樹,就跑到樹前吠叫,但其實獵物爬上的是另一棵樹,故引申為『認錯對象』之意。此處不管是以字面意思或引申意思解,都是開玩笑來顯示這隻狗有點不對勁。)寵物似乎沒有和人類一樣的問題和恐懼。但當主人出去工作而把寵物關在家裡一整天時,牠們也會心情鬱悶。


1. When will a dog most likely misbehave?
(A) When its owner takes it for a long walk.
(B) When it spends too much time alone.
(C) When there is new furniture in the house.
(D) When it is worn out during the day.

1. 小狗很可能在何時不守規矩?
(A) 當主人帶牠去好好散個步時。
(B) 當牠獨處太久時。
(C) 當屋裡有新家具時。
(D) 當牠在白天就已經累壞時。

2. Which is NOT a way to prevent your pet from getting in bad moods?
(A) Leave some toys around for your pet when you are not home.
(B) Spend more time with your pet.
(C) Leave the TV on for your pet while you are away.
(D) Take your pet to work with you.

2. 何者不是預防您的寵物心情鬱悶的方法?
(A) 當您不在家時,留些玩具在您的寵物身邊。
(B) 花更多時間和您的寵物在一起。
(C) 當您外出時,為您的寵物把電視開著。
(D) 帶您的寵物一起去工作。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. humorous a. 幽默的,詼諧的
Hank's humorous joke made me burst into laughter.
2. misbehave vi. 行為不端;舉止不檢點
Dan was fired because he misbehaved.
3. chew vt. 咬,嚼
This steak is too tough to chew.
4. decrease vt. 減少
I walked to work to decrease my spending.
Phrases for Learning 

1. make all the difference  使大不相同
Having a second income made all the difference for that poor family.
2. wear out.../wear...out  使……疲憊不堪
Working over the weekend wore Phil out.

1. comic strip n. 連環漫畫
2. psychiatrist n. 精神科醫生
3. furniture n. 家具
Tips In Use 

...lying on a psychiatrist's couch.
以下為您介紹動詞 lie 與 lay 的相異之處:
1. lie vi. 躺;位於(三態為:lie, lay, lain。)
Emma likes to lie on her bed and read.
That small village lies in a valley.
2. lie vi. 說謊(三態為:lie, lied, lied。)
Judy blinks a lot whenever she is lying.
3. lay vt. 放置;生產(三態為:lay, laid, laid。)
Kim laid her jacket on the sofa.
The hen laid some eggs this morning.
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