
尾牙迎新除舊 (尾牙的時間與地點)

每週 一 出刊.2009.02.02
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
尾牙迎新除舊 (尾牙的時間與地點)
熊市來臨 看大師如何投資佈局∼

尾牙迎新除舊 (尾牙的時間與地點)

(★ 聽對話內容)

本週話題焦點:尾牙迎新除舊 (尾牙的時間與地點)

Carol and Ted are continuing their discussion regarding the party's location. They are discussing the pros and cons of having it in a hotel or a restaurant.
Carol 和 Ted 繼續討論有關公司尾牙的地點。他們正在討論辦在飯店或是餐廳的優缺點。

Carol: Where do you think the party should be held?

Ted: I think that the atmosphere in a hotel would be better, and a hotel would be able to accommodate a live band or DJ (Disk Jockey).
Ted:我覺得飯店裡的氣氛會比較好,而且飯店可提供現場表演的樂隊或是 DJ。

Carol: But a banquet room in a hotel will cost an arm and a leg!

Ted: So, it will also depend on our budget. It will be difficult to hear in a restaurant unless we can book a large private room just for our employees.

Carol: That's a possibility because they have huge rooms in many Chinese restaurants that can easily accommodate up to a hundred people. Many of them even have a television with a karaoke player, so people can sing after their meal!
Carol:這是有可能的,因為很多中國餐廳裡都會有可以容納將近一百人的大包廂。很多餐廳甚至還會有卡拉 OK,大家可以在餐後高歌一曲。

Ted: Well, everyone in Taiwan seems to love karaoke and it is a cheap form of entertainment which I'm sure the boss will be pleased with. So I guess that settles it. Let's start calling restaurants and see what kind of food they offer for a group of about a hundred people.
Ted:嗯,台灣人似乎都很愛唱卡拉 OK,而且這是一種便宜的娛樂方式,我想老闆會很滿意。所以我想就這麼定案了。我們開始打電話給餐廳,看看他們有哪些供給大約一百人的菜色吧。

Carol: Great idea! Let's get cracking!

Ted: I'll get the phone directory now.

1.atmosphere (n.) 氣氛

例:I think that the atmosphere in a hotel would be better.


例:I like to work in the office where the atmosphere is warm and friendly.


2. accommodate (v.) 提供;容納

例:A hotel would be able to accommodate a live band or DJ (Disk Jockey).


例:The concert hall can accommodate about 10,000 audiences.


3. banquet (n.) 宴會

例:A banquet room in a hotel will cost an arm and a leg!


例:A fund-raising banquet will be held on Monday and there will be lots of guests showing up then.


4. entertainment (n.) 娛樂;消遣

例:Everyone in Taiwan seems to love karaoke and it is a cheap form of entertainment which I'm sure the boss will be pleased with.


例:You can find various ways of entertainment in the downtown area of Taipei.


5. get cracking 快一點做 …

例:Great idea! Let's get cracking!


例:You'd better upscale with the project, or you won't meet the deadline on time.


※ 小叮嚀:

要表示「快點做某件事」可以用 "get cracking with s.th." 表示。


1. The ______ hall can ______ up to about 500 people, so I guess the ______ will be very bustling then.


2. I need to ______ ______ with the homework, or I will miss my favorite ______ show on TV.




1. The banquet hall can accommodate up to about 500 people, so I guess the atmosphere will be very bustling then.


2. I need to get cracking with the homework, or I will miss my favorite entertainment show on TV.



1. …所費不貲

   … cost (s.b.) an arm and a leg

例:A banquet room in a hotel will cost an arm and a leg!


例:Buying a house in this area will cost an arm and a leg.


※ 小叮嚀:

"arm" 是指「手臂」; "leg" 是指「腿」。如果做某件事或買某件東西會要你付出一隻手臂和一條腿的話,那意思就是這個東西會讓你付出很大筆的金錢或代價。

2. … 是有可能的事;是可行的

   that's a possibility…

例:That's a possibility because they have huge rooms in many Chinese restaurants that can easily accommodate up to a hundred people.


例:A: Won't he walk away when he see Sandy over there? B: That's a possibility that we must consider because Sandy didn't get along with him very well.

(A: 他不會在那裡一看到Sandy掉頭就走嗎? B: 那是我們得考慮可能會發生的事,因為Sandy和他處得不是很好。)


1. 在你買古董前先仔細想清楚。畢竟,它可是會讓你的荷包大失血!

2. A: 我真的很怕教授會把我當掉。 B: 如果你再考不及格的話,那是有可能發生的。


1. Think carefully before you buy an antique. After all, it will cost you an arm and a leg!

2. A: I am really afraid of that the professor will flunk me. B: That's a possibility if you fail in the test again.



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2009-01-19 尾牙迎新除舊 (公司尾牙規劃)
2009-01-12 完工階段 (全力趕工)
2009-01-05 完工階段 (擴充倉庫存放空間)
2008-12-29 開發新產品之過程 (退貨處理)
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