
Taboo 禁忌異域

每週 四 出刊.2008.09.25
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
Taboo 禁忌異域
For Your Information


Taboo 禁忌異域

by Matthew Brown
What is normal and acceptable in one culture can seem bizarre and scary to outsiders.

  Traveling to a new place with a culture very different from your own can result in some shocking new experiences. This month, National Geographic Channel brings you an exciting series called Taboo. For this series, NGC travels the world to examine practices that are normal for some, but scary and strange to the rest of the world.

  "Taboo: Initiation Rituals" looks at the way some cultures celebrate the passage from one phase of life to another. For example, teenage boys in a part of Brazil have to go through a ritual that you are unlikely to see in our part of the world. In order to be seen as men by the tribe, they have to put their hands into gloves filled with hundreds of giant stinging bullet ants. Despite the excruciating pain, and probably a certain amount of fear, they must put their hands into the gloves again and again.

  Other tribes around the world have their own initiation rites. In one area of Papua New Guinea, boys have to swallow about 60 centimeters of raw cane down their throat. By completing this task, the boys symbolically die as boys and are reborn as men.

  Skin decorating has become more mainstream in many parts of the world in recent years. For many tribespeople, however, marking the body has long been a normal and traditional practice. "Taboo: Skin Deep" looks at some cultures that practice scarification. In one violent initiation practice, also taking place in New Guinea, teenage boys have their skin cut over a thousand times. After their chests, backs, arms, legs, and buttocks have been sliced over and over, their skin looks similar to a crocodile's hide.

  Normal practices can be amazingly different from one culture to the next. Tune in to Taboo to find out how different your life could have been if you had been born somewhere else!

1. Based on what the article says, what does the Taboo series show us?
(A) Different cultures have their own ways of doing things.
(B) Everything is normal in cultures all over the world.
(C) Some cultures do violent things for no reason.
(D) Some cultures punish boys for growing up.

2. Why do some tribes force boys to be stung by ants?
(A) It is basically a fun game.
(B) If the ants sting them, that means they are human.
(C) It shows that they like pain.
(D) It shows they are ready to be adults.

3. What does the article say about the experience of the boys who must put their hands into ant-filled gloves?
(A) They get a little bit hurt, and they feel terror.
(B) They feel like men, and they feel no fear.
(C) They feel pride and a lot of pain.
(D) They get badly hurt, and they probably feel rather afraid.

4. What difference between popular skin decorating and skin decorating in tribes is mentioned in the article?
(A) Popular skin decorating has no meaning.
(B) In tribes, skin decorating has been going on for a very long time.
(C) In tribes, skin decorating is only used for rites of passage.
(D) Popular skin decorating is painless.

1. taboo n. 禁忌
2. shocking a. 駭人聽聞的
3. examine vt. 檢查,檢視
4. initiation n. 成年儀式
5. passage n. 通過,經過
6. phase n. 階段,時期
7. stinging a. 會螫人的
sting vt. 刺,螫,叮(三態為:sting, stung , stung。)
8. bullet ant n. 子彈蟻
9. excruciating a. 非常痛苦的;難以忍受的
10. rite n. 儀式
rite of passage   為進入人生新階段的儀式;(尤指)成年儀式
11. raw a. 生的,未煮過的
12. cane n.(竹、藤、甘蔗等的)莖;藤
13. mainstream n. & a. 主流(的)
14. tribespeople n. 部落成員
15. scarification n. 劃痕;疤痕紋身
16. buttock n. 屁股(常用複數)
17. crocodile n. 鱷魚
18. hide n. 皮革
19. amazingly adv. 令人驚奇地
20. basically adv. 基本上
21. terror n. 恐怖
22. painless a. 不痛的

1. be unlikely to V  不可能(做)……
be likely to V  可能(做)……
2. in order to V  為了(做)……
3. take place  發生(= occur vi.)
4. A looks/is similar to B  A(看起來)與 B 相似
5. be based on...  根據……

1. be different from...  與……不同
= differ from...
例: This toothbrush is different from the one I used to use.

2. result in...  導致/造成……
result from...  起因於……
例: The head injury resulted in a headache.
例: Sarah's bankruptcy resulted from her bad investments.

3. practice n. 習俗,慣例;實行;練習
in practice  實際上
= in reality
in theory  理論上
例: Your idea sounds good in theory, but I doubt it will work in practice.

4. go through...  經歷……
例: Rita went through a difficult time after she broke up with her boyfriend.

5. be seen as...  被視為……
= be viewed as...
= be regarded as...
= be looked upon as...
= be thought of as...
例: Tim is seen as the best player on the team.

6. be filled with...  裝滿……
= be full of...
例: The father was filled with joy at his son's wedding.

7. despite + N/V-ing  儘管/雖然……
= in spite of + N/V-ing
例: Despite having a broken rib, Matthew decided to go surfing.

8. again and again  一再地
= over and over (again)
= time and again
例: He tried over and over again to lift the heavy table.

9. symbolically adv. 象徵性地
symbolic a. 象徵的
be symbolic of...  象徵……
例:The color white is symbolic of purity.

10. tune in to...  收看/收聽……
例: Mr. Lin tunes in to that TV talk show every night.

11. punish sb for...  為了……而處罰某人
例: My girlfriend is punishing me for forgetting to call her.

12. be ready to V  準備好做……
= be all set to V
例: When you are ready to go, give me a call.

13. pride n. 自豪;驕傲
take pride in...  以……為榮
= be proud of...
例: My friend John takes pride in his ping-pong skills.

"Taboo: Initiation Rituals" 單元看看某些文化中,人生從某個階段進入另一個階段的慶祝活動。舉例來說,巴西有個地方的男孩必須通過一個儀式,這可是你在所處的世界不太可能見識到的儀式。為了讓族人認同他們已經是成年人,這裡的男孩子必須把雙手放進裝滿上百隻子彈蟻的手套裡,這些子彈蟻不但大隻而且還會咬人。儘管被咬得痛徹心扉,可能還得面對某種程度的恐懼,男孩子仍必須不斷把手放進手套裡。
世上其他的部落也有自己的成年儀式。在巴布亞新幾內亞的某個地區,男孩子必須把 60 公分長的生竹藤吞進喉嚨。藉由完成這項任務,象徵原本的小男孩已死,並重生為成年男子。
身體刺青近年來在世界各地漸登上主流的地位。然而對於許多部落的人來說,這是一項他們奉行已久的正常傳統習俗。"Taboo: Skin Deep" 單元探索一些進行疤痕紋身的文化。地點同樣發生在新幾內亞,另一項血腥的成年禮正在上演。青少年的皮膚會被割上 1 千多次,先從胸部開始,接下來是背部、手臂、雙腿,最後是臀部,一再地被千刀萬剮,使他們的皮膚看起來就像鱷魚皮一樣粗糙。

1. 根據文章敘述,《禁忌異域》系列做了哪些介紹?
(A) 不同的文化有不同的處事方法。
(B) 世界上各個文化的面向都很普通。
(C) 有些文化沒來由地就很殘暴。
(D) 有些文化為了讓男孩成長而處罰他們。
題解: 根據第一段,《禁忌異域》系列節目將前進世界各地,仔細瞧瞧某些人習以為常的習俗,在他人眼中卻是如此驚世駭俗,與選項 (A) 意思相近,故選之。

2. 為何有些部落強迫男孩被螞蟻咬?
(A) 其實這是個有趣的遊戲。
(B) 如果螞蟻咬他們,就表示他們是人。
(C) 這表示他們喜歡疼痛。
(D) 這表示他們準備好要轉大人了。
題解: 根據第二段,為了讓族人認同他們已是成年人,巴西一些地方的男孩子在儀式中,必須把雙手放進裝滿上百隻子彈蟻的手套裡,故選 (D)。

3. 文章如何描述男孩必須把手伸進螞蟻手套的經驗?
(A) 會有一點痛,感覺很恐怖。
(B) 覺得自己像男人,一點也不怕。
(C) 覺得很自豪,但也很痛。
(D) 被咬得很嚴重,大概也蠻害怕的。
題解: 根據第二段,儘管被咬得痛徹心扉,可能還得面對某種程度的恐懼,男孩仍得不斷把手放進手套裡,可知 (D) 為正選。

4. 文章中提到一般的人體刺青和部落的人體刺青有何不同?
(A) 一般的人體刺青沒有意義。
(B) 部落裡的刺青已經實行一段很長的時間。
(C) 部落裡的刺青只在成年禮時舉行。
(D) 一般的人體刺青不會痛。
題解: 根據第四段,身體刺青近年來在世界各地漸登上主流的地位,但對許多部落來說,這是一項他們奉行已久的正常傳統習俗,可知應選 (B)。

標準答案: 1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (B)
For Your Information 


泰雅族人大約在 5 歲至 15 歲左右必須完成黥面禮俗,這等於是成年禮,男子必須狩獵多次成功後,才可以在額頭上及下巴刺青;女子則須學會織布才得刺臉紋。完成黥面之男女從此方可論婚嫁;未曾黥面者,則很難找到理想的配偶。

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