
The Earth's Biggest Threat 地球危機――溫室效應

本報內容由 常春藤解析英語雜誌社 提供 每週 四 出刊.2007.12.27
The Earth's Biggest ... 何智苑也說好用的BB

    The Earth's Biggest Threat 地球危機―― ...


The Earth's Biggest Threat 地球危機――溫室效應

by Levi King

Global warming was once considered unlikely to be real. Recently, though, it has become widely accepted as fact. Scientists have calculated that the earth's atmosphere has gotten approximately 0.75 degrees Celsius warmer since 1900. This may not seem like much, but scientists predict an additional increase of between 1 and 7 degrees Celsius by the year 2100. This slight change could be enough to cause disasters such as extreme weather, crop failure, extinctions, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels.

It's possible that natural phenomena like volcanoes, solar flares, and shifts in the earth's orbit could be causes of this change. However, scientists now believe that changes in the atmosphere are primarily to blame for the rise in temperatures. Light from the sun enters the earth's atmosphere and warms the air, land, and oceans. As heat radiates back through the atmosphere toward space, some of it is trapped by gases and continues to warm the earth. This is called the greenhouse effect, and the gases that trap the heat are greenhouse gases.

Without the greenhouse effect, life couldn't exist on earth. However, rising levels of greenhouse gases are trapping more and more of the sun's heat. As people burn fossil fuels or clear forests, carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is released into the atmosphere. As the oceans warm, water vapor, which is also a greenhouse gas, enters the atmosphere. This combination of pollutants and water vapor creates the powerful and dangerous cycle behind global warming. It is a cycle that, if active measures are not taken, could have serious and deadly consequences for all living things in the near future.


1.global warming n. 全球暖化
2.calculate vt. 估計;估算
3.atmosphere n. 大氣層
4.Celsius n. 攝氏
Fahrenheit n. 華氏
5.predict vt. 預測
6.extreme weather  極端氣候
7.crop failure n. 作物欠收
8.extinction n. 滅絕
9.glacier n. 冰河
10.solar flare n. 太陽閃焰(太陽表面一種光度突然迅速增強的變化)
11.orbit n. 運行軌道 & vi. 繞軌道運行
12.primarily adv. 主要地
13.trap vt. 陷於,困住
14.greenhouse effect n. 溫室效應
15.greenhouse gas n. 溫室氣體(尤指二氧化碳或甲烷)
16.exist vi. 存在
17.fossil fuel n. 化石燃料
18.carbon dioxide n. 二氧化碳
19.water vapor n. 水汽,水蒸氣
20.combination n. 混合物;結合
21.consequence n. 結果


in the near future  不久之後,不久的將來
= in the not too distant future


1.threat n. 威脅
pose a threat to...  對……構成/造成威脅
例: The tiger that escaped from the zoo poses a threat to people in the area.

2.approximately adv. 大約
approximately 為修飾數量形容詞的副詞,此類副詞常見的尚有 about、around、some、roughly 等。
例: I'm expecting approximately 10 people to come to the party.

3.additional a. 額外的
an additional + 數字  額外的……(數目)
= an extra + 數字
例: We need an additional five volunteers for the charity event.

4.shift n. 改變;輪班
on shift  輪班
work night shifts  值晚班
例: The person who was on shift last night forgot to lock the doors when he left.

5.sb be to blame for...  某人該為……負責
blame sb for sth
= blame sth on sb
例: Grady insists that he is not to blame for the mess in the classroom.
例: Don't blame me for your problems. I'm trying to help you.

6.radiate vi.(光、熱)散發,放射
例: The campers all sat and enjoyed the heat radiating from the fire.

7.take measures (to V)  採取行動/措施(做……)
例: Mr. Jones vowed to take firm measures to prevent cheating.


全球暖化一度被認為不可能成真。然而近來卻是廣為大眾所接受的事實。科學家算出自 1900 年起,地球的大氣層溫度已經上升攝氏 0.75 度。變化似乎不大,但科學家預測,到了 2100 年,氣溫會再上升攝氏 1 至 7 度。改變雖小,卻足以造成諸多災難,像是極端氣候、作物欠收、物種滅絕、冰河融化和海平面上升。



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