
完工階段 (全力趕工)

每週 一 出刊.2009.01.12
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
完工階段 (全力趕工)

完工階段 (全力趕工)

(★ 聽對話內容)

本週話題焦點:完工階段 (全力趕工)

Laura is the plant manager at the Formosa Recreational Vehicle Company, and she is having a discussion with Tim, the foreman on the night shift, regarding the ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) that must be finished and ready to be shipped off to a customer in Canada by the end of the week.
Laura是Formosa Recreational Vehicle Company的工廠經理,她正與夜班工頭 Tim討論 ATV(可行駛於各種地形的車輛)的事 ─ 這些 ATV 必須在本週以前完成,且運送至加拿大客戶。

Laura: We're going to have to work overtime every day this week. The assembly lines must be rolling 24/7 if we're going to meet our deadline.

Tim: The employees have all volunteered to work double shifts, and the mechanics are all willing to be on stand by in case something breaks down.

Laura: That's great. I need everyone pulling their weight and I'm depending on you to get the job done.

Tim: You can count on me. Have I ever let you down before?

Laura: I know that you're good under pressure and you've never failed me once. But there's always a first time for everything.

Tim: Don't worry! I'll make sure those ATVs are all finished and in their wooden crates before the end of the week!

Laura: I really admire your leadership.

Tim: Well, I don't mean to brag. But I was the captain of my college hockey team, and I just bring the same kind of leadership to the factory as I used to bring to the rink.

1.ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) 全地形傳動車

例:They are having a discussion regarding the ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) that must be finished and ready to be shipped off to a customer in Canada by the end of the week.

(他們正在討論有關全地形傳動車輛的事 ─ 這些車必須在本週以前完成,且運送至加拿大客戶。)

例:The manufacturer offers the best ATVs with the lowest price.


※ 小叮嚀:

"all-terrain vehicles" 是指可以在各式地形上駕駛的運載工具。最常見的是沙灘吉普車。

2. pressure (n.) 壓力

例:I know that you're good under pressure and you've never failed me once.


例:Most of men have gone through the peer pressure of smoking and drinking.


3. crate (n.) 板條箱

例:I'll make sure those ATVs are all finished and in their wooden crates before the end of the week!


例:We can put the puppy in the milk crate before we find its master.


※ 小叮嚀:

crate 通常是指以木頭製成的大型板條木箱。亦可指塑膠或金屬製成的製物箱。

4. leadership (n.) 領導才能

例:I really admire your leadership.


例:I don't think he has enough leadership to be our project manager.


5. brag (v.) 吹牛;自誇

例:Well, I don't mean to brag, but I am really good at it!


例:He's fond of bragging about how beautiful his girlfriend is.


※ 小叮嚀:

"brag" 後面可接介系詞 about 或是 that 加子句。


1. Peter often ______ about how great his ______ is. However, he always screws things up when he faces ______.


2. We need to order several ______ for packing the ______ ______.




1. Peter often brags about how great his leadership is. However, he always screws things up when he faces pressure.


2. We need to order several crates for packing the all-terrain vehicles.



1. … 在待命 / 準備好的狀態

   ... on stand by

例:The employees have all volunteered to work double shifts, and the mechanics are all willing to be on stand by in case something breaks down.


例:The security guards will be on stand by around the clock.


2. 使某人感到失望

   let s.b. down …

例:You can count on me. Have I ever let you down before?


例:The girl works really harder than anyone else because she doesn't want to let her parents down.



1. 你不應該讓你的電腦一整天都處在待機狀態。

2. 我會試著不讓你失望,但是你得再給我多一次的機會。


1. You shouldn't keep your computer on stand by all day long.

2. I will try not to let you down, but you need to give me one more chance.


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出刊日期 出刊主題
2009-01-05 完工階段 (擴充倉庫存放空間)
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