本周情境焦點 | | | | 本週情境焦點:(1)在飛機上-PART II
(★ 聽新聞播報) 入門對話【Dialogue 1】 On the Airplane #2(在飛機上-PART II) After Mike found his seat followed the time for dinner and drinks. 當 Mike 找到座位之後,接著就是餐點的時間了。 Vicky:Sir, would you like a drink? We have juice, soda, water, wine and beer. Vicky:先生,您想喝什麼嗎?我們有果汁、汽水、開水、葡萄酒以及啤酒。 Mike:I'll have some wine. I think it would calm my stomach after that meal. Mike:我想來點葡萄酒。我想它可以讓我在餐後胃舒緩點。 Vicky:Ok, sir. Just wait a moment … There you go! Vicky:好的,先生。請等一下... 這是您要的東西。 Mike:Aaah! You idiot! I can't believe you spilled that wine on me. Mike:啊!你是笨蛋嗎?你竟然把酒灑在我身上! Vicky:I'm so sorry sir. I'll get you another glass. Vicky:對不起,先生!我再幫您倒一杯。 Mike:I don't want another glass. I think I have enough on me already, don't you? Mike:我不要再來一杯了。我想這一杯已經夠了,不是嗎? "Dialogue 1" 相關實用句型: 1. Just wait a moment … There you go! (請等一下... 這是您要的東西。) 說明:美國人講話時很喜歡用 "There you go!" 或是 "Here we go." 來表示「你說的沒錯,我贊同你的講法」。"There you go." 在口語中很常見,可用 "Here/ There sb. go." 的句式概括,一般就是表示贊同、讚賞的意思,或者相當於 "Here/ There you are."。 | | | ▲TOP | | | | 本週情境焦點:(2)在渡假飯店
進階對話【Dialogue 2】 At a Resort Hotel(在渡假飯店) Mike is leaping with joy at a fascinating hotel in which he's forgot to book a room Mike 雀躍地來到一家炫麗的旅館,不過他忘了訂房... Vicky:I'm so excited about this weekend. I've been looking forward to it forever. Vicky:這週末真令我興奮!我已經期待很久了。 Mike:Yeah, it should be really great. The resort we'll be staying at is all-inclusive. Mike:是啊!應該會很棒的。我們要去的渡假村應有盡有。 Vicky:I'm going to head straight for the spa. I read in their brochure that they have Thai massage, aromatherapy and a special sea salt scrub treatment. Vicky:我要直接去做 SPA。我在他們的小冊子上看見他們有泰式按摩、芳香療法,還有特別的海鹽揉搓治療。 Mike:I've always wanted to learn to windsurf and I know they provide free instruction and equipment. While you're at the spa, I think I'll try that. Mike:我一直想去學玩風帆,我知道他們有提供免費諮詢和設備。我想,妳去做 SPA 吧,我要去試試看。 Vicky:Oh, that sounds like fun. I'd like to do that too. Could we both go windsurfing first and then go to the spa together later on? Vicky:喔!聽起來很不錯呢!我也想要去。我們可以一起先去玩風帆,之後再一起去做 SPA 嗎? Mike:You really want to go with me? I mean, you generally prefer more sedentary activities. It's going to be quite hot too. Are you sure you can take it? Mike:你真的想和我去?我是說,你通常都比較喜歡靜態的活動。而且天氣也很熱耶!你確定你可以受得了? Vicky:I just want to be with my man. Is there anything wrong with that? Vicky:我只想和我的男人在一起嘛!這樣有錯嗎? Mike:Not for this man because baby, you rock my world. Mike:不過不要現在,寶貝!因為你會把我搞得天翻地覆。 Vicky:Just wait until tomorrow night. Then you'll see some real fireworks. Vicky:那就等到明晚吧!到時你還會看見真正的煙火。 Mike:I can't wait. This should be like our honeymoon all over again. Mike:我等不及囉!這會是我們的二度蜜月囉! Vicky:So, you called to confirm the reservation we made, right? Vicky:那麼,你已經打電話確認訂位了吧! Mike:Oh no…I forgot to do that. Honey, I'm so sorry. Mike:啊!不!我忘了訂位!老婆,對不起! Vicky:I can't believe you forgot! Now, what are we going to do? Vicky:我真不敢相信你會忘了!那麼,我們要去哪裡? "Dialogue 2" 相關實用句型: 2. The resort we'll be staying at is all-inclusive. (我們要去的渡假村應有盡有。) 說明 :all-inclusive 是「名詞 + 形容詞」所形成的複合字,有「應有盡有」之意。例如:The hotel is all-inclusive.(這飯店應有盡有。) 3. You rock my world. (你會把我搞得天翻地覆。) 說明:這是俏皮的說法,常見於男女之間調情的時機。 4. You called to confirm the reservation we made, right? (那麼,你已經打電話確認訂位了吧!) 說明:我們可以用 "call to do something" 來表達「打電話要做某事」,例如:"I'm calling to make a reservation..."(我打來是為了訂...)。「確認預定事項」可以用 "to confirm the resrvation" 表示。 | | | ▲TOP | • | 試著讓心境沈澱 | | 你喜歡生氣嗎? 在古老的西藏,有一各叫做愛地巴的人… | | • | 全民英檢聽說讀寫大會考參加初試、複試一路通 | | 全民英檢分級題庫與解析聽說讀寫 All in One!數位化學習讓你增加實戰經驗、掌握實力。系列專輯榮獲台灣海洋大學、台北市立師範學院...等數十家教育單位與公民營企業行號選用。 | |
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