本周情境焦點 | | | | 本週情境焦點:(1)保齡球館裡
(★ 聽新聞播報) 入門對話【Dialogue 1】 In a Bowling Alley(在保齡球館裡) Mike and Vicky are on a date. Mike has taken Vicky to go bowling. Mike:I can always get a sense of achievement here, you know? This is going to be great! Mike:你知道嗎,我一直都可以在這裡獲得成就感。這真是棒極了! Vicky:Oh... I can't believe I agreed to come here, just look at the shoes I have to wear! Vicky:喔... 真不敢相信我會答應來這裡。看我得穿上去的這鞋子! Mike:Don't worry. They're clean, ok? Let me go first. The trick is to put a little spin on the ball like this! Mike:別擔心,鞋子是乾淨的,好嗎?密訣是讓這球旋轉,像這樣! Vicky:I'm not an expert but aren't you supposed to hit those white things in the middle? Vicky:我雖然不是專家,但你不是應該擊中中間那些白色的東西嗎? Mike:They're called pins and that was just my warm-up shot. Anyhow, I like to clear the gutter before I get down to business. Hey, why don't you have a go? Mike:那叫作球瓶;這顆球只是熱身式而已。反正,在我進入狀況之前,我喜歡洗溝。喂!你怎麼不去? Vicky:Go? Now, that's a good idea. I'm leaving. This date is over. See you Mike. Vicky:去?嗯,好主意。我要走了。約會到此結束。再見,Mike。 Mike:What!? That's it? What did I do? Vicky, come back. Mike:什麼?到此結束?我做了什麼嗎? Vicky,回來啊! "Dialogue 1" 相關實用句型: 1. This is going to be great!(這真是棒極了!) 說明:這句話通常用在「轉換語氣」的時候。例如: It's a long time I haven't eat the fruit. This is going to be great!(這種水果我已經好久沒吃過了。這真是棒極了!) 2. The trick is to put a little spin on the ball like this!(要訣是讓這球旋轉,像這樣!) 說明:trick 可用來指「要訣」,通常指奇特的事情如變魔術、耍特技... 等。而 spin 是「旋轉」的意思「將旋轉放在球上」當然就是打「飛碟球」囉! | | | ▲TOP | | | | 本週情境焦點:(2)夜店中
進階對話【Dialogue 2】 Situation: At a nightclub(在夜店) Mike is a night owl. He likes to take girls to night clubs. Now, Mike and Vicky are on their first date. Vicky:It's deafening here! Could we go somewhere a little quieter? Vicky:這裡吵死人了!我們可不可以去安靜一點的地方? Mike:Huh, what? Sorry, I can't hear you. Take a look at those speakers. I've never seen speakers that big before. They're enormous. Mike:什麼?抱歉,我聽不到你說的話。你看這些喇叭。我沒見過這麼大的喇叭耶!它們好大喔。 Vicky:I'm so happy for you. I can't stand this racket. Can we go? Vicky:我為你感到高興,但我無法忍受這吵雜聲。我們可以走嗎? Mike:If you can't stand, then we should shake our booties on the dance floor. Mike:如果你無法忍受,那我們到舞池上舞動身軀吧! Vicky:Huh, what? Mike, stop pulling me! I can't go that fast in these high heels. Vicky:什麼?Mike,不要拉我!我穿高跟鞋沒辦法走那麼快。 Mike:Now, check this out. I learned this move in Junior High. Mike:來,你看,我高中時代學的舞。 Vicky:That's obscene. There's no way I'm doing that! You're one sick puppy. Vicky:好噁心!我絕不會做那種動作!你這病狗。 Mike:What's the fuss? It's just for laughs babe. Lighten up! Mike:你在哎什麼啦?這只是搞笑而已,小姐。放輕鬆點嘛! Vicky:I'm not enjoying myself at all Mike. I thought you were a nice guy. Vicky:我覺得一點也不好玩,Mike。我以為你是個好人。 Mike:Hey, I'm nice. You just need to loosen up more. Just wait until later tonight. I'll show you some more moves at my place. Mike:喂,我是好人啊,你只是需要放鬆點嘛!待會兒晚一點你就知道啦!我到我住的地方表演給你看。 Vicky:In your dreams! I'm out of here. You know, you're a real jerk! I'm going to tell all the girls at the office about you. Vicky:你在作夢!我要離開這裡。你知道嗎?你真是個混球!我要在辦公室向所有女孩說你的事情。 Mike:That's no big thing. None of them would go on a date with me anyways! Mike:那也沒什麼。反正她們也沒有人會跟我出來約會! "Dialogue 2" 相關實用句型: 1. We should shake our booties on the dance floor.(我們到舞池上舞動身軀吧!) 說明:booties 是 booty 的複數,本來是「戰利品」的意思,而「將我們的戰利品拿來搖晃」的動作就很像瘋狂地在跳著舞。不是嗎? 2. It's just for laughs babe. Lighten up!(這只是搞笑而已,小姐。放輕鬆點嘛! 說明:"for laughs" 是「為了好笑」,babe 是比較粗俗的 girl 說法,好比中文的「馬子」、「小妞」等;"Lighten up" 與 "Cheers up!" 相似,都有鼓勵人「高興╱快樂一點」的意思。 | | | ▲TOP | • | 全民英檢聽說讀寫大會考參加初試、複試一路通 | | 全民英檢分級題庫與解析聽說讀寫 All in One!數位化學習讓你增加實戰經驗、掌握實力。系列專輯榮獲台灣海洋大學、台北市立師範學院...等數十家教育單位與公民營企業行號選用。 | |
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