本周情境焦點 | | | | 本週情境焦點:(1)在棒球場
(★ 聽新聞播報) 入門對話【Dialogue 1】 In the baseball field(在棒球場) Mike and Vicky are playing for opposing teams. Mick 和 Vicky 正在打對抗賽。 Mike:It's the bottom of the ninth inning and here comes Mighty Vicky to bat. Mike:現在是九局下,強棒 Vicky 上來打擊囉! Vicky:Don't give me that, ok? I'm going to knock this one out of the park! Vicky:少來這套,好嗎?我會把球敲到場外去! Mike:What are you going on about?You've struck out the last three at bats. Mike:你在說什麼?你前三次打擊都被三振。 Vicky:Don't try to psych me out 'cause it won't work. Vicky:少跟我來心理戰術,沒用的。 Mike:I don't have to do that … just watch you strike out. Mike:我不需要那樣做... 我就看著你被三振。 Vicky:You know, it ain't over till it's over. Vicky:你知道,不到最後還不知道結果呢! Mike:OK, get ready; here it comes! Mike:好吧,準備好。球投過來了! "Dialogue 1" 相關實用句型: 1. Don't try to psych me out 'cause it won't work.(少跟我來心理戰術,沒用的。) 說明:Psyche 原本是希臘神話中靈魂化身的美女,後來 psyche 被引申為「心靈」或「靈魂」,也成為英文裡的一個字根,例如,psychology 是「心理學」。而 "to psyche out" 按字面意譯為「靈魂出竅」,因此引申為「使... 精神崩潰或錯亂」。 2. I am totally stoked.(我可是躍躍欲試呢!) 說明:動詞 stoke 表「燒火」、「使... 上火」。因此,"be stoked" 就表示「熱情洋溢的」,這在現代美語裡,屬於相當 slang 的說法。 | | | ▲TOP | | | | 本週情境焦點:(2)在海邊衝浪
進階對話【Dialogue 2】 Surfing at the beach(在海邊衝浪) Vicky is teaching Mike how to surf. Vicky:Ok, Mike, now that you've got your wet suit on, we can start the lesson. Vicky:好了,Mike,既然你已經整裝完畢,我們的課程可以開始了。 Mike:This is so radical! I can't wait to start surfing. I am totally stoked. Mike:這太基本了吧!我等不及要開始衝浪了!我可是躍躍欲試呢! Vicky:Well, you've got your surfer slang down, but you know, you've gotta put your money where your mouth is. You're just a poser until you get out on a board. Vicky:拜託,你已經很會講衝浪術語了(你講話的樣子像個衝浪專家了)。不過你要知道,說出來的話就要做得到。在還沒登板之前,你只是做做樣子而已。 Mike:I was just about to ask, where is my surfboard? I don't see one here. Mike:我才正想問,我的衝浪板呢?我一個都沒看見! Vicky:Well... for the first lesson, we need to start with the basics. So today, we'll be body surfing; if you do well, then next lesson we'll move on to a boogie board. Vicky:這個... 第一課,我們要從最基礎的開始。所以今天,我們採用的是「人體衝浪」;如果你可以做得好,那麼在下一課中,我們就會進一步使用滑水板。 Mike:Dude, I want to learn to surf. I already know how to swim. Mike:乖乖!我想學的是衝浪,我已經會游泳了。 Vicky:You know what they say, you've gotta walk before you can run. Well, this is a little like that. I have to know you can swim before I can teach you to surf. Vicky:俗話說,在你會跑步之前得先學會走路。這是同樣的道理。在我教你衝浪之前,我必須知道你會游泳。 Mike:What a bummer. I'm going to look so silly ! This is so terrible. Mike:什麼跟什麼啊!我會像個蠢蛋一樣!這太糟糕了! Vicky:Hey, we've all been there. Just relax, who knows, after a few lessons, people might be calling you the best. Vicky:嘿,這我們都經歷過。輕鬆點,誰知道經過一些課程之後,大家都叫你第一名! Mike:Yeah, that would be great. O.K. I'm ready. Let's get started. Mike:是的,那樣的話就太棒了。好的,我準備好了,我們開始吧。 Vicky:Good, now first I want you to swim out to those breakers and back. Mike:很好,現在,我要你先游到 breaker(浪花)那邊,再游回來。 Mike:O.k., no problem. What's a breaker? Mike:好的,沒問題。那... breaker 又是什麼? "Dialogue 2" 相關實用句型: 1. You've gotta put your money where your mouth is.(說出來的話就要做得到。) 說明:按字面意義是:你嘴巴說出的話放在哪裡,你就得把錢放在那裡。意思就是,「說到要做到」。例如: You don't have to flood me with that many good words; just put your money where your mouth is, ok?(你不必跟我說那一大堆甜言蜜語,說得到要做得到。) 2. You've gotta walk before you can run.(在你會跑步之前得先學會走路。) 說明:我們經常用這句話提醒別人,不要「好高騖遠」。例如: First of all, let's try the very basics.You've gotta walk before you can run.(首先,我們從最基本的開始嘗試。在你會跑步之前得先學會走路。) | | | ▲TOP | • | 一個人生活和兩個人生活 | | 星期日,一覺睡到下午2點還不願起床,我在旁邊叫喚他。「起床了好不好?我們出去走走,去吃東西。」N遍之後,他仍在睡。 | | • | 全民英檢聽說讀寫大會考參加初試、複試一路通 | | 全民英檢分級題庫與解析聽說讀寫 All in One!數位化學習讓你增加實戰經驗、掌握實力。系列專輯榮獲台灣海洋大學、台北市立師範學院...等數十家教育單位與公民營企業行號選用。 | |
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