退休與面試新人 (找工作Part1)
(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:退休與面試新人 (面試的後續PartII)
Dan and Cindy are taking their lunch break together at a small cafe close to their office building. Dan takes out the newspaper while they are waiting to be served. Dan 和 Cindy 正一起在一間靠近他們辦公大樓的咖啡廳內午休。在他們等待服務生時,Dan 拿出報紙來。 | Cindy: So…anything interesting in the newspaper today? Cindy:嗯... 今天報紙裡有什麼有趣的新聞嗎? Dan: I'm not reading the news. I'm looking at the classifieds. Dan:我沒有在看新聞。我是在看分類廣告。 Cindy: Oh. Are you looking for something to buy? Cindy:喔,你在找什麼要買的東西嗎? Dan: No, I'm looking at the employment ads. Dan:沒有,我是在看求職廣告。 Cindy: Why? Are you looking for a new job? Cindy:為什麼?你在找新工作嗎? Dan: Well, I'm just curious to see what's out there. I'm getting bored with my job and I'd like to find a job with a higher salary and better benefits. Dan:嗯,我只是好奇想看看外面的世界有什麼。我對我的工作感到有點厭煩了,我想要找一份高薪一點、福利也比較好的工作。 Cindy: Have you tried searching for jobs on the net? I don't think that the newspaper is a good place to search for jobs. Cindy:你有試過上網找工作嗎?我想報紙不是一個找工作的好地方。 Dan: You're right. I'll surf the net tonight when I get home. Dan:你說的對。我今晚回家以後會上網看看。 Cindy: Have you ever searched on jobhunt.com? A lot of my friends have found jobs from that Web site. Cindy:你有搜尋過 jobhunt.com 嗎?我有很多的朋友是從那個網站找到工作的。 Dan: No, I've never heard of that site before. I'll write it down and check it later tonight. Thanks a lot! Dan:沒有耶,我之前從來都沒聽說過那個網站。我會把它記下來然後今天晚上查看看。謝啦! Cindy: No problem. Let me know if you find anything interesting! Cindy:別客氣。如果你有找到什麼有趣的東西,讓我知道喔!
重要字詞講解: | 1. classified (n.) 分類廣告 例:I'm not reading the news. I'm looking at the classifieds. (我沒有在看新聞。我是在看分類廣告。) 例:You can place a classified on our website at no charge. (你可以免費在我們的網站登廣告。) ※ 小叮嚀: 「登廣告」可以說成 "place a classified"。分類廣告也可以說成 "classified ad"。 2. ad (n.) 廣告 例:I'm looking at the employment ads. (我在看求職廣告。) 例:You can read the want ads to learn general information about available jobs (你可以看徵人廣告,了解一些職缺的訊息。) 3. curious (adj.) 好奇的 例:I'm just curious to see what's out there. (我只是好奇想看看外面的世界有什麼。) 例:He is like a boy, always curious about everything. (他像個小男孩,總是對所有事物感到好奇。) ※ 小叮嚀: 「對 … 感到好奇」可用 "curious about" 來表達。 4. benefit (n.) 福利 例:I'd like to find a job with a higher salary and better benefits. (我想要找一份高薪一點、福利也比較好的工作。) 例:These additional benefits are for members only. (這些額外的福利是會員獨享的。) 5. surf the net 上網 例:I'll surf the net tonight when I get home. (我今晚回家以後會上網看看。) 例:He stayed at home and surfed the net all day yesterday. (他昨天一整天都待家�上網。) ※ 小叮嚀: "a stack of" 是「一堆」的意思,但 "stacks of" 是口語用法,意思是「很多」。
小試身手 1. He's been searching for ____ ____ in jobs recently because he wants a job with better pay and ____. (他最近一直在工作分類廣告,因為他想找一個薪水和福利比較好的工作。) 2. He is ____ about the world of the Internet, so he ____ ____ ____ every day. (他對網路的世界很好奇,所以他每天上網。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. He's been searching for classified ads in jobs recently because he wants a job with better pay and benefits. (他最近一直在工作分類廣告,因為他想找一個薪水和福利比較好的工作。) 2. He is curious about the world of the Internet, so he surfs the net every day. (他對網路的世界很好奇,所以他每天上網。) 相關實用句型解析 1. 厭煩 … sb be / get bored with … 例:I'm getting bored with my job and I'd like to find a job with a higher salary and better benefits. (我對我的工作感到有點厭煩了,我想要找一份高薪一點、福利也比較好的工作。) 例: He will never get bored with word puzzle games. (他永遠不會對字謎遊戲感到厭煩。) ※ 小叮嚀: "bored" 是屬於情緒形容詞,當主詞是人的時候,表達感到無聊、厭煩的感覺,用介系詞 with 接所厭煩之事物。而另一個類似的形容詞 "boring" 則是意指人或事物無聊、無趣的意思。例:That computer game is the most boring game I've ever played.(那個電腦遊戲是我玩過最無聊的遊戲。) 2. 聽說 / 聽到 … sb hear of … that … 例:I've never heard of that site before. (我之前從來都沒聽說過那個網站。) 例:I heard of the news about him on the radio. (我在收音機裡聽到有關他的消息。) 小試身手 1. 再看了兩小時的電視節目後,Alex 開始感到厭煩。 __________________________________________________________________ 2. 你有聽說過台灣那個有名的歌手嗎? __________________________________________________________________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. After watching the TV program for two hours, Alex started to get bored with it. 2. Have you ever heard of that famous singer in Taiwan? | |