退休與面試新人 (另一種選擇)
(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:退休與面試新人 (了解自我性向)
Cindy goes by Dan's office to drop off some paperwork. They begin discussing Dan's job hunt again. Cindy 經過 Dan 的辦公室去放些文件。他們又開始討論起Dan找工作的事。 | Cindy: So... did you send your resume to all of those companies you found on the Web site? Cindy:那...你有寄你的履歷去給那些你在網站上找到的公司嗎? Dan: I sent about ten. Like I said before, I'm just curious about what jobs are out there. I'll be more serious about looking for a new job after I receive my year-end bonus! Dan:我寄了大概十封。就像我之前說的,我只是好奇外面世界有哪些工作。我會在我拿到年終獎金之後,更積極找新工作的! Cindy: Chinese New Year isn't for another four months! Sometimes you have some strange ideas. Cindy:農曆新年不到四個月了耶!有時候你的想法還真怪! Dan: My wife told me the same thing last night. Dan:我老婆昨天晚上也跟我說一樣的話。 Cindy: Well, you know what they say. All great minds think alike! Cindy:嗯,你知道的。俗話說:英雌所見略同! Dan: Whatever!!!! Anyway, I'll just wait and see if I get any responses from the ten resumes that I've already sent, and then decide what to do from there. Dan:不管了!無論如何,我就等著瞧,看看我會不會從我已經寄的那十封履歷中得到任何回應。然後再從中做決定。 Cindy: It seems like you have everything planned. Oh, by the way. Did you see the job posted on the bulletin board in the lobby? There's an opportunity to transfer to the office in Shanghai. Cindy:看來你都把一切計劃好了。喔,對了。你有看到大廳佈告欄上刊登的工作嗎?有一個轉調到上海公司的機會喔。 Dan: No, I didn't see it. I'll take a look at it on my way out the office. Dan:沒有,我沒看見。我出辦公室的時候,會去看一下。 Cindy: It's a sales position selling the same products. Cindy:那是一個賣同樣產品的銷售人員職缺。 Dan: Oh, forget about it then! Why don't you apply for it? Dan:喔,別提了!你怎麼不去申請看看? Cindy: Because I'm happy with my job here. I don't find my work boring at all. Cindy:因為我對我這裡的工作很滿意啊。我一點都不覺得我的工作無聊。 Dan: Yeah, but wait until you've worked here for ten years like me!!!!! Dan:是阿,就等你像我一樣在這邊工作超過十年再說吧!
重要字詞講解: | 1. be curous about 對... 感到好奇 例:Kids are curious about animals and how they live. (孩子們對於動物以及牠們如何生活感到相當好奇。) 例:The boy was curious about everything he saw. (小男孩對於他所看到的一切感到好奇。) ※ 小叮嚀: curious 也可單獨作形容詞用,表「稀奇古怪的」,例如,"I just heard a curious noise." (我剛聽到奇怪的噪音。) 2. whatever (pron.) 無論什麼 例:Whatever!!!! Anyway, I`ll just wait and see. (不管了!反正,我就等著瞧。) 例:Whatever he has taken didn't make him better. (不管他吃什麼藥,都沒有讓他的病情好轉。) 3. response (n.) 回應 例:I`ll just wait and see if I get any responses from the ten resumes that I`ve already sent. (我了解你的意思。我們現在處境相同啊!) 例:I'll make no response to any questions about my marriage. (我不回應任何有關於我的婚姻的問題。) 4. bulletin board 佈告欄 例:Did you see the job posted on the bulletin board in the lobby? (你有看到大廳佈告欄上刊登的工作嗎?) 例:You should check our bulletin board more often, or you will miss some important information. (你應該多去看看我們的佈告欄,不然你會錯過一些重要的訊息。) 5. apply for 申請 例:Why don`t you apply for it? (你怎麼不去申請看看?) 例:We need to apply for the grant to keep our project going. (我們需要申請這個補助金,好讓我們的計畫能繼續下去。)
小試身手 1. I will do ____ you say as long as you give me a ____. (只要你給我一個回應,你叫我做什麼,我就做什麼。) 2. Did you check out the information on the ____ ____? You can try to ____ ____ the scholarship that is offered to native and foreign students ____. (你有去看公布欄上的消息嗎?你可以試著去申請那個獎學金,本地和外國學生它都有提供。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. I will do whatever you say as long as you give me a response. (只要你給我一個回應,你叫我做什麼,我就做什麼。) 2. Did you check out the information on the bulletin board? You can try to apply for the scholarship that is offered to native and foreign students alike. (你有去看公布欄上的消息嗎?你可以試著去申請那個獎學金,本地和外國學生它都有提供。) 相關實用句型解析 1. 似乎/看來好像… It seems like (that) … 例:It seems like you have everything planned. (看來你好像都把一切計劃好了。) 例:It seems like that everyone has an engagement today. (看來好像大家今天都有約。) ※ 小叮嚀: "It seems like"後面要接子句表達推測的內容。"that"通常可省略。 2. 覺得/發覺… … find + sth/sb +adj … 例:I don`t find my work boring at all. (我一點都不覺得我的工作無聊。) 例: They found the singer not as pretty as she looks like on TV. (他們發現那歌星沒有像她在電視上那樣看起來漂亮。) ※ 小叮嚀: find 屬於不完全及物動詞。也就是說除了受詞之外,還需要補語來補充說明受詞的特性、意思或動作。受詞補語除了是形容詞外,也可以是名詞。例:They find him an easygoing person.(他們發覺他是一個好相處的人。) 小試身手 1. 看來好像他又開始抽菸喝酒了 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 我發現他在讀的書很有趣。 _____________________________________________________________________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. It seems like he started smoking and drinking again. 2. I found the book he was reading very interesting. | |