(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:吃喝玩樂 (逛夜市)
Brian and Jocelyn are walking around in a night market. Brian 和 Jocelyn 正在逛夜市。 | Brian: There are so many vendors here. I almost can't see the end of this street. Brian:這裡好多攤販啊。我快要看不到這條街的盡頭了。 Jocelyn: It's really crowded, but maybe I can buy some souvenirs here. See! That's what I am talking about. Jocelyn:真的很擠,不過或許我可以在這裡買到一些紀念品。看!那就是我在說的。 (They are approaching a vendor who is selling trinkets…) (他們靠近一個在賣小飾品的攤販...) Jocelyn: Look at those sparkling earrings and bracelets! They are calling me… Jocelyn:看看這些亮晶晶的耳環和手鍊!它們在召喚我啊... Vendor: You really have good taste, Miss. These items are all made of pure silver. Vendor:您真是有品味啊,小姐。這些東西都是純銀的喔。 Jocelyn: They are? How could they be so charming? How much is this ring? Jocelyn:是喔?它們怎麼會這麼迷人?這個戒指多少錢? Vendor: That's on sale now. It only costs 100 U.S. dollars. Vendor:那個正在特價拍賣中。只要美金一百元。 Brian: (surprised…) 100 U.S. dollars? You must be kidding! Brian:(驚訝狀...)美金一百元?你一定在開玩笑吧! Vendor: Not at all. The ring is made of silver and rare sapphire. Vendor:一點也不,這戒指是由銀和稀有的藍寶石做成的。 Jocelyn: Oh, I love sapphire. It even goes with the blouse I'm wearing today. Jocelyn:喔,我好愛藍寶石。它甚至跟我今天穿的上衣很搭耶! Brian: Calm down, Jocelyn! It's too expensive! Sir, we'll give you 30 dollars for it. Brian:Jocelyn,冷靜!這太貴了!先生,我們出三十塊買它。 Vendor: What? That's impossible. That price is much too low. How about 80 dollars? Vendor:什麼?這不可能。這價錢太低了。八十塊怎麼樣? Brian: Fifty, with one more bracelet. Brian:五十,再多送一條手鍊。 Vendor: No, I can't do that. It's a special price already! Vendor:不行,我做不到。這已經是特價了耶。 Brian: O.K. I'm sorry. Let's go! Brian:好吧,抱歉。我們走吧! Vendor: All right! All right! It's a deal! Vendor:好啦,好啦。成交!
重要字詞講解: | 1. vendor (n.) 攤販 例:例:There are so many vendors here. (這裡好多攤販啊。) 例:You should be more careful when you buy things from vendors. You may get fakes. (你跟攤販買東西的時候要多注意。你可能會買到假貨。) 2. souvenir (n.) 紀念品 例:It's really crowded, but maybe I can buy some souvenirs here. (真的很擠,不過或許我可以在這裡買到一些紀念品。) 例:In Japan, you can buy unique souvenirs in different scenic spots. (在日本,你可以在不同的景點買到獨特的紀念品。) 3. trinket (n.) 小飾品 例:They are approaching a vendor who is selling trinkets. (他們靠近一個在賣小飾品的攤販。) 例:Too many trinkets will make you look like a Christmas tree. (太多小飾品會讓你看起來像顆聖誕樹。) 4. go with 與 … 相配 例:I love sapphire. It even goes with the blouse I'm wearing today. (我好愛藍寶石。它甚至跟我今天穿的上衣很搭耶!) 例:Light beer goes perfectly with Mexican food. (淡啤酒和墨西哥食物是絕配。) 5. calm down 冷靜 例:Calm down, Jocelyn! It's too expensive! (Jocelyn,冷靜!這太貴了!) 例:You have to calm him down. He can't talk clearly when he's angry. (你要讓他冷靜下來。他生氣的時候話說不清楚。) ※小叮嚀 "calm down" 是一個可拆的雙字動詞,也就是說,"calm down" 的對象如果是名詞,可以放在 down 的前面或後面,如果是代名詞,可以放在 down 的前面。
小試身手 1. The clamor of the ____ ____ ____ with the mood of the street. (小販的喧鬧聲和這條街的氣氛很相襯。) 2. I tried to ____ ____ ____ when I saw all those unique ____ and ____. But still I bought a lot. (我看到那些獨特的紀念品和小飾品的時候,我試著讓我自己冷靜下來,但我還是買了很多。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1.The clamor of the vendors goes well with the mood of the street. 2.I tried to calm myself down when I saw all those unique souvenirs and trinket. But still I bought a lot. 相關實用句型解析 1. 由 … 做成的 s.th. be made of … 例:The ring is made of silver and rare sapphire. (這戒指是由銀和稀有的藍寶石做成的。) 例:The dining table in his new house was made of wood. (他新家裡的餐桌是木頭製的。) ※小叮嚀 "be made of" 是表示物品由何種原料製成,通常用 of 的時候,完成品都還看的出原來的材質是什麼。但是如果是有經過化學變化,看不出原來形成原料為何的話,通常是使用 from。例:"The blouse is made from synthetic fiber."(這件上衣是由人造纖維製成的。) 2. 與 … 搭配 s.th go with … 例:It even goes with the blouse I'm wearing today. (它甚至跟我今天穿的上衣很搭耶!) 例:I can't find any shoes that can go with my dress. (我找不到任何一雙可以搭配我洋裝的鞋子。) 小試身手 1. 他所有的傢俱都是塑膠做的。 __________________________________________________________________ 2. 這項鍊可以跟正式或休閒服裝都搭配得很好。 __________________________________________________________________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. All the articles of his furniture were made by plastics. 2. The necklace can go well with either formal or casual clothes. | |