歡樂學英文~~ 尋找代位人選
(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:退休與面試新人 (尋找代位人選)
Jennifer is talking to Brad in the cafeteria about Robert's replacement. Jennifer 正和 Brad 在餐館談論有關 Robert 的替代人選。 | Jennifer: Did you go to Robert's retirement party this past weekend? Jennifer:你上週末有去 Robert 的退休歡送派對嗎? Brad: Yes, I did. You should have come. Everyone had a great time. Brad:有啊,我有去。你真應該來的。大家都玩得很開心。 Jennifer:I really wanted to, but I had a previous engagement. So, who is going to replace him as the general manager? Maybe someone is up for a promotion. Jennifer:我真的很想去,不過我之前就有約了。那麼,誰要接替他的位置當總經理啊?或許有人可以升遷囉。 Brad: I'm not sure, but I heard that someone might be transferring here from another office. Brad:我不確定,不過我聽說可能有人要從別的辦公室轉調過來。 Jennifer: Oh, really? I thought that they might offer the position to Joseph. Jennifer:喔,真的嗎?我還以為他們會把這個職位給 Joseph 呢。 Brad: No. He's only been the sales director for a little over a year. I don't think that he's ready to move up the corporate ladder just yet. Brad:沒有。他才剛當上行銷經理一年多而已。我覺得他還沒準備好要被公司升上去。 Jennifer: Maybe they will find someone else to replace him. I saw Laura giving interviews this morning. Jennifer:或許他們要找其他人來代替他。我看到 Laura 今天早上在面試。 Brad: Brad: Laura was giving interviews for the new sales positions. I know, because one of my buddies had an interview with her at 10:30. Brad:Laura 是為了新的行銷人員職務在面試。我知道這件事,是因為我的一個死黨今天早上十點半才跟她在面試。 Jennifer: Is he Taiwanese? Jennifer:他是台灣人嗎? Brad: Yes, and he's single. Maybe I can hook you up with him. Brad:是阿,而且他還單身喔。或許我可以撮合你跟他。 Jennifer: Oh, stop it! We don't need another cupid in this office. Jennifer:喔,不要再說了!我們辦公室裡不需要再來一個愛神(邱比特)!
重要字詞講解: | 1. cafeteria (n.) (自助式的)餐館 例:Jennifer is talking to Brad in the cafeteria about Robert's replacement. (Jennifer 正和 Brad 在餐館談論有關 Robert 的替代人選。) 例:I didn't like the food in the school cafeteria, but it's much better now. (我本來不喜歡學校自助餐廳的食物,可是現在好吃多了。) ※小叮嚀 cafeteria 指的是顧客自己取用食物,或點完餐點後自行在櫃檯領取的自助式餐廳。 2. previous (adj.) 先前的;以前的 例:I really wanted to, but I had a previous engagement. (我真的很想去,不過我之前就有約了。) 例:I remember seeing the same picture on a previous occasion. (我記得在之前的某個場合看過一樣的照片。) 3. engagement (n.) 約會 例:I had a dinner engagement with my client and everything went smoothly. (我和顧客約了吃晚飯,一切都進行得很順利。) 例:I set up an engagement with the consultant, but he called to cancel. (我和顧問約了時間見面,但他打電話來取消了。) ※小叮嚀 engagement 也可以當「訂婚」解釋。 4. promotion (n.) 升遷 例:Maybe someone is up for a promotion. (或許有人可以升遷囉。) 例:I got a promotion after five year's hard work. (在五年的辛苦工作之後,我得到升遷。) ※小叮嚀 promotion 當「升遷機會」解釋時,是可數名詞。 5. transfer (v.) 轉換;調動 例:I heard that someone might be transferring here from another office. (我聽說可能有人要從別的辦公室轉調過來。) 例:I'll be transferred to another department. (我將被調到其他部門。)
小試身手 1. The ____ cook of the ____ cooked better. But he left for a better job. (這家餐館的前一個廚師比較會煮,可是他另謀高就了。) 2. I got a ____ after a dinner ____ with my boss. But I have to ____ to another branch. (在和老闆吃一頓晚餐之後,我得到了升遷的機會,但我得要轉到另一個分公司。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1.The previous cook of the cafeteria cooked better. But he left for a better job. 2.I got a promotion after a dinner engagement with my boss. But I have to transfer to another branch. 相關實用句型解析 1. (之前)應該要 … should have + pp. … 例:You should have come. (你真應該來的。) 例:They should have arrive yesterday afternoon. (他們應該在昨天下午就抵達的。) ※小叮嚀 "should have + pp…" 的句型用在表達過去的時間裡,應該要完成而未完成的事件。 2. 認為 … 沒有 / 不 … not think … that 例:I don't think that he's ready to move up the corporate ladder just yet. (我覺得他還沒準備好要被公司升上去。) 例:She doesn't think people were born to be kind. (她認為人性不是善良的。) ※小叮嚀 think 之後的子句,若是要表達否定時,否定副詞 not 須放在 think 之前,與助動詞一起表達否定之意。 小試身手 1. 你應該在吃晚餐前,就完成你的功課的。 __________________________________________________________________ 2. 他們認為那個小男孩沒偷錢。 __________________________________________________________________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. You should have finished your homework before having the dinner. 2. They don't think the little boy stole the money. | |