本周情境焦點 | | ![]() | ![]() | 退休與面試新人 (一項新挑戰)
(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:退休與面試新人 (一項新挑戰)
It's six o'clock and everyone is leaving the office. Dan comes out of the boss's office and catches up with Cindy, who is just about to get in the elevator. 已經六點了,大家都要下班了。Dan 從老闆的辦公室出來,剛好趕上正要進電梯的 Cindy。 | Dan: Hey! You'll never guess what just happened to me. Dan:嘿!你絕不會猜到我剛發生了什麼事。 Cindy: Whoa! You startled me! Did you just win the lottery or something? Cindy:喔!你嚇到我了!你是剛中樂透還是怎樣? Dan: Not quite. I just got a promotion. As of Monday morning, I'll be the new sales director. Dan:不完全是。我剛被升職啦!下禮拜一一早,我就是新任的銷售經理! Cindy: Wow! That's great news. Congratulations! Cindy:哇!真是個好消息。恭喜你! Dan: It's just the challenge I've been looking for. Dan:這剛好是我在尋找的挑戰。 Cindy: Well, I guess all of your problems are solved and the job hunt is off! Cindy:嗯,我想你所有的問題都解決了,不用找工作了! Dan: Yeah, this promotion has really killed two birds with one stone. Now, I have a more challenging job and a better salary! Dan:是阿,這次的升遷真是一石二鳥。現在我有了一個比較有挑戰性的工作,而且薪水也提高了。 Cindy: I'm really happy for you. I'm sure that you'll do a fine job. Cindy:我真的很替你高興。我相信你會做得很好的。 Dan: Thanks for your encouragement. I can't wait to tell my wife. Dan:謝謝你的鼓勵。我等不急要跟我太太說了。 Cindy: I hope that I get promoted someday. Cindy:真希望我哪天也可以升職。 Cindy: Because I'm happy with my job here. I don't find my work boring at all. Cindy:因為我對我這裡的工作很滿意啊。我一點都不覺得我的工作無聊。 Dan: Keep working hard and maybe one day you'll get promoted to sales manager. I've invited all the sales staff to come out for happy hour to celebrate. Wanna come? It's my treat. Dan:繼續認真工作,或許有天你會被升到銷售經理的位置喔。我請了所有銷售部門的員工出來慶祝、歡樂一下。你要一起來嗎?我請客喔。 Cindy: Sure, sounds great! Let's go! Cindy:當然,聽起來很讚!我們走吧!
重要字詞講解: | 1. startle (v.) 使驚嚇 例:You startled me! Did you just win the lottery or something? (你嚇到我了!你是剛中樂透還是怎樣?) 例:I am sometimes startled by myself when I look into the mirror. (我照鏡子的時候,有時會自己嚇到自己。) 2. as of 從…起 例:As of Monday morning, I`ll be the new sales director. (下禮拜一一早,我就是新任的銷售經理!) 例:This thirty-year-old machine will be shut down as of next week. (從下週開始,這部三十年的老機器就要停擺了。) ※ 小叮嚀: "as of" 後面接日期,意思是「從某時候起」。 3. congratulations (n.) 恭喜 例:Wow! That's great news. Congratulations! (哇!真是個好消息。恭喜你!) 例:Congratulations on your graduation! (恭喜你畢業了。) ※ 小叮嚀: congratulations 接對象要用介系詞 to,接恭喜的事用介系詞on。 4. killed two birds with one stone 一石二鳥 例:This promotion has really killed two birds with one stone. (這次的升遷真是一石二鳥。) 例:The brilliant idea killed two birds with one stone. (這真是一個絕妙的一石二鳥之計。) 5. encouragement (n.) 鼓勵 例:Thanks for your encouragement. I can't wait to tell my wife. (謝謝你的鼓勵。我等不急要跟我太太說了。) 例:His words have been an encouragement to me. (他的話對我來說一直都是個鼓勵。)
小試身手 1. He was ____ to death by a ____ party when he was five, and he started to dislike parties ____ ____ then. (他五歲的時候曾被一個慶功派對嚇得半死,從那時候開始,他就不喜歡派對了。) 2. The special bonus was not only an ____ to me, but also a great help to my financial problem. It ____ ____ ____ with ____ ____. (這個特別的獎金對我不只是個鼓勵,它也對我的經濟問題大有幫助,真是一石二鳥。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. He was startled to death by a congratulations party when he was five, and he started to dislike parties as of then. (他五歲的時候曾被一個慶功派對嚇得半死,從那時候開始,他就不喜歡派對了。) 2. The special bonus was not only an encouragement to me, but also a great help to my financial problem. It killed two birds with one stone. (這個特別的獎金對我不只是個鼓勵,它也對我的經濟問題大有幫助,真是一石二鳥。) 相關實用句型解析 1. 追趕上 … catch up (with) … 例:Dan comes out of the boss's office and catches up with Cindy, who is just about to get in the elevator. (Dan從老闆的辦公室出來,剛好趕上正要進電梯的 Cindy。) 例:Mainland China is catching up with other industrial countries. (中國大陸漸漸趕上其他工業國家。) ※ 小叮嚀: "catch up" 不只是指實際追趕上人的情況,也可意指追趕進度。 2. (某人)發生… …happen to sb 例:You'll never guess what just happened to me. (你絕不會猜到我剛發生了什麼事。) 例: They totally have no idea about what happened to their daughter. (他們完全不知道他們女兒發生了什麼事。) ※ 小叮嚀: "happen to" 的主詞也可以是人,但意思會變為是「碰巧…」。例:I happened to meet her on the campus.(我碰巧在校園裡遇見她。) 小試身手 1. 我試著要追上她,不過她走太快了。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 如果他發生任何可怕的事,她絕對會暈倒。 _____________________________________________________________________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. I was trying to catch up with her, but she walked too fast. 2. She would definitely faint if anything terribly happened to him. | | |
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