職務轉調與薪事 (談妥調職條件)
(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:職務轉調與薪事 (談妥調職條件)
Dan meets up with Kathy at noon to see how her meeting with the HR manager went. Dan Dan 在中午與 Kathy 見面,想看看她與人力資源部經理的面談進行的如何。 | Dan: Hi, Kathy. How did your meeting go this morning? Dan:嗨 Kathy。你今天早上的面談進行的如何? Kathy: It went well. We just finished discussing all of the details about the job. Kathy:進行得很順利啊!我們剛才討論完所有關於工作的細節。 Dan: Do you mean that you got the transfer? Dan:你的意思是你可以轉調了? Kathy: Yeah! I was the only one who was interested, so she agreed to the transfer. I will be on probation for three months and then if everything goes well, I'll sign a contract. Kathy:是啊!我是唯一表示有興趣的人,所以她就同意我轉調了。我會有三個月的試用期,如果一切都很順利的話,我就會簽合約了。 Dan: That's great news. When do you start? Dan:那真是個好消息。你什麼時候會開始上班? Kathy: I start next Monday. I have to finish up everything here by the end of this week. Kathy:下禮拜一開始。我必須要在這禮拜以前,整理結束掉這邊的一切事務。 Dan: The marketing department is on the tenth floor, if I'm not mistaken. Dan:如果我沒弄錯的話,行銷部是在十樓吧。 Kathy: Yes, it is. I'll come to visit you down here on the third floor sometimes. Don't worry! Kathy:是啊,沒錯。我有時會下來三樓看看你的。別擔心! Dan: So, how about the salary? Are you satisfied with it? Dan:那麼,那邊的薪水怎麼樣?你滿意嗎? Kathy: It'll be enough to pay my bills and keep me calm! Kathy:足夠我付帳單和讓我心平氣和了! Dan: And just think! You'll be able to save money on anti-stress pills! A penny saved is a penny earned! Dan:而且你想想看,你將會省下抗憂鬱症的藥錢!這可是會積少成多喔! Kathy: Is that sarcasm I sense? Kathy:我覺得你好像在挖苦我喔? Dan: Just kidding! I'm really happy for you, and I hope that you enjoy your new job. Let me treat you to lunch. Dan:開玩笑的啦!我真的很替你開心,而且我希望你可以對你的新工作樂在其中。午餐就讓我請你吧! Kathy: Sounds great. Let's go. Kathy:聽起來很讚。我們走吧!
重要字詞講解: | 1. detail (n.) 細節 例:We just finished discussing all of the details about the job. (我們剛才討論完所有關於工作的細節。) 例:Please tell me about the project in detail. (請詳細地告訴我這個計畫。) ※ 小叮嚀: detail 解釋為「細節」的時候,通常用複數形,而 in detail 是副詞片語,意思是「詳細地」。 2. probation (n.) 試用 例:I will be on probation for three months. (我會有三個月的試用期。) 例:He is an analyst who is on probation. (他是個見習的股票分析師。) ※ 小叮嚀: be on probation 意思是「正在見習」。 3. contract (n.) 合約 例:If everything goes well, I'll sign a contract. (如果一切都很順利的話,我就會簽合約了。) 例:According to the contract, you are responsible for the loss. (根據合約,你要為這次的虧損負責。) 4. calm (v.) 鎮靜下來 例:It'll be enough to pay my bills and keep me calm! (足夠我付帳單和讓我心平氣和了!) 例:You need to calm down and then you can start thinking. (你需要冷靜下來,然後才可以開始思考。) ※ 小叮嚀: calm down 是動詞片語,也是「鎮靜下來」的意思。 5. sarcasm (n.) 諷刺;挖苦 例:Is that sarcasm I sense? (我覺得你好像在挖苦我喔?) 例:I've had enough of your sarcasm. (我受夠了你的諷刺。)
小試身手 1. ____ down. Don't lose your temper over his ____. (冷靜一點,不要被他的嘲諷激怒。) 2. All the ____ about your job are listed in the ____. You'll be on ____ for three month. (所有關於你的工作的細節都列在這份合約上,你將會有三個月的試用期。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1.Calm down. Don't lose your temper over his sarcasm. (冷靜一點,不要被他的嘲諷激怒。) 2. All the details about your job are listed in the contract. You'll be on probation for three month. (所有關於你的工作的細節都列在這份合約上,你將會有三個月的試用期。) 相關實用句型解析 1. … 進行的(順利) sth goes (well)… 例:How did your meeting go this morning? It went well. (你今天早上的面談進行的如何?進行得很順利啊!) 例:Alex was really depressed since there was nothing going well with him. (Alex 真的很沮喪,因為他一切進行的都不順利。) 2. 某人有 …的試用期 sb is on probation… 例:I will be on probation for three months and then if everything goes well, I'll sign a contract. (我會有三個月的試用期,如果一切都很順利的話,我就會簽合約了。) 例:The employees will be on probation for at least a month before singing the official contract. (在正式簽約之前,員工必須經過至少一個月的試用期。) ※ 小叮嚀: on probation 另一個常見的用法是指「緩刑」。例:The judge freed him on probation for two years. (法官讓他有兩年的緩刑。) 小試身手 1. 他上禮拜辦的派對進行的頗順利,而且讓大家都印象深刻。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 即使是兼職的工作,你還是得經過一段試用期。 _____________________________________________________________________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. The party he held last week went pretty well, and everybody is impressed. 2. You have to be on a period of probation, even for the part-time jobs. | |