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搞定商務Email | | ![]() | ![]() | 表示不同意見 Disagreeing
Subject: Our conversation yesterday re: ESS Dear Tom, I've had some time to think over the things you said at yesterday's meeting. I must confess that I have some different ideas when it comes to evaluating the staff. First of all, with all due respect, I have to disagree with you on the issue of the new employee evaluation system. Forgive me for saying so, but I don't think a rating system like the one you want to bring in can accurately measure what an employee brings to the company. For one thing, the evaluation criteria don't take intangible factors like personality into account. The proposed system also penalizes workers who have taken legitimate sick days. As far as I can see the new system would treat employees as if they're all the same (which they are not). I hope you'll reconsider whether the new system is truly the right one for us to evaluate our employees with. I'd like to discuss this with you further. Do you have time to meet this afternoon? Motomi | 翻譯 主旨:我們昨天的談話 關於ESS 親愛的湯姆: 我花了一點時間思考你昨天在開會時所說的事。我必須坦承,在考核人事方面,我有一些不同的想法。 首先,恕我冒昧,在新進員工考核制度的問題上,我必須表示不同意見。原諒我這麼說,不過我認為你想採用的那種評量制度並不能準確地衡量出員工能夠對公司有什麼樣的貢獻。舉個例子,比方考核標準並沒有考慮到像個性這種無形因素。這項提議的制度也對正當休病假的勞工不利。就我所能看到的是,新制度將員工一視同仁(而他們並不相同)。我希望你能重新思考,新制度是否真的適合讓我們用來考核員工。我想進一步跟你討論這點。你今天下午是否有空? 元美 | |
寫作工具箱 Email Toolbox | | ![]() | ![]() | 1.當你必須表達不同意見時,可以加上下列用語,以緩和你要講的話,使你的反對意見不至於太傷人,例如: ●I must confess that… 我必須坦承…… ●Forgive me for saying so,… 原諒我這麼說…… ●With all due respect, 恕我冒昧, …… 2.在寫電子郵件時,上述這些用語格外重要,因為在這種溝通中,收件者無法靠語氣、肢體語言和臉部表面之類的線索來分辨你的意思。 3.記住,冷靜、沈著、專業是表達不同意見時的三大準則。 | | • | 超商收集迷 | | 對於超商送的東西愛不釋手嗎?還差幾個就集滿一組嗎?來這裡交換你手上多餘的物品換得你想要的東西,現在主打全家好神公仔! | |
搞定商務Email | | ![]() | ![]() | 範例回覆Sample Reply
Subject: Re: Our conversation yesterday re: ESS Hi Motomi, I appreciate your concerns, but I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this. I've spent a lot of time and effort developing the EES, and I think it's a sound design. I'm unwilling to compromise on the need for some objective criteria to gauge employee performance. I think my position on the need for the EES is reasonable, but of course I'm always open to suggestions about the structure and contents. If you want to discuss specifics, why not drop by my cubicle after lunch and we can talk about possibly tweaking the criteria. Tom | 翻譯 主旨:關於 我們昨天的談話 關於: ESS 嗨,元美: 謝謝妳關心這件事,不過我想我們必須就這點同意彼此意見相左。我花了很多時間和精神研擬員工考核制度,我認為它的設計相當合理。對於需要一些客觀標準來衡量員工的績效這一點,我認為願意妥協。我想我對於需要員工考核制度的立場很合理,不過我當然隨時願意聽取結構和內容方面的建議。假如妳想討論相關細節,何不在午餐後到我的隔間來,我們可以聊聊有沒有可能略微調整一下那些標準。 湯姆 | |  | 豐富實例範文+好用句型隨查即用,你也可以是Email英文高手! 雙向式寫作設計,雙效學習! 針對單一主題同時給予主題mail和回覆mail的範文解析,一次學會寄信者和回覆者不同立場的寫作用語。
.作者:Jason Grenier .譯者:戴至中 .貝塔語言出版社 .出版日期:2007年6月 .定價:350元
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