本周情境焦點 | | | | 本週情境焦點:(1) 上網找對象
(★ 聽新聞播報) 【入門對話 Dialogue 1】Looking for Cyber Love(上網找對象) Jill has been talking to Tom in a chat room for several weeks. He claims to be successful, young, and handsome, so she agrees to meet with him in person for a date. Jill 與 Tom 在聊天室談話已有數週之久。他自栩為一位成功的、年輕的,以及英俊的人,因此她同意彼此來一次面對面的約會。 Jill:Excuse me, I noticed you are holding a red rose. Is your name Tom? Jill:請問一下,我注意到你拿著一朵紅玫瑰。您的名字是 Tom 嗎? Tom:Yes, hi Jill. It's nice to finally meet you. Tom:是的,嗨 Jill,很高興終於見到你了。 Jill:That's strange! Online you told me you are blonde and six feet tall. I don't mean to be rude but you look much older than 30. Jill:奇怪耶!你在網路上告訴我說你白膚金髮,且六呎高。我沒有冒犯的意思,可是但你看起來不只 30好幾了吧。 Tom:I'm sorry but I just exaggerated a little bit, because I was so nervous and I wanted you to like me. Tom:很抱歉,我只是稍微誇大其辭而已,因為我很緊張,因此想你看得上我。 Jill:What about the other things you said? Are you really a lawyer? Would it be possible to see your business card? Jill:那你說過的其他事呢?你真的是律師嗎?能否看看你的名片呢? Tom:Well, that wasn't a complete lie. I work at a law office, and as an assistant. Tom:喔,那不全然是個謊言。我在律師事務所工作;我是個助理。 Jill:This is unbelievable. I can't believe I fell in love with you while we were talking online. Everything was a lie. Jill:真令人難以相信。我無法相信我們在網路上的談話會讓我愛上了你。一切都是謊言。 Tom:Don't be angry. Let me buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk things over. Tom:不要生氣嘛。我請你喝杯咖啡,然後我們可以好好聊一下。 Jill:There's nothing to talk over. You're not my type and you're balding. You're a creep, and I am leaving now. Jill:沒什麼好聊的。你不是我喜歡的類型,況且你還禿頭。你是個卑鄙小人,我現在要離開了。 Tom:Wait... Tom:等等... Jill:"Nice" to have met you; I learned a lesson. I'll never date anyone again unless I meet him in person first. Jill:「很高興」認識你;我學到教訓了。我再也不會和任何人約會,除非先親眼見過。 "Dialogue 1" 相關實用句型: 1.I don't mean to be rude but you look much older than 30.. (我沒有冒犯的意思,可是但你看起來不只 30好幾了吧。) "I don't mean to-V..." 表示「我不是故意要...」,有「先道歉」的意味,若要再「進一步說明」時,必須用連接詞 but 接第二個子句;此句型與 "I'm sorry... but..." 類似。 動詞 look 表「看起來」,屬「連綴動詞」,其後須接「主詞補語」,而非受詞。 2.Let me buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk things over. (我請你喝杯咖啡,然後我們可以好好聊一下。) 「請某人喝咖啡」除了可以用 "to treat sb. to have a cup of coffee" 之外,口語中也常見 "to buy sb. a cup of coffee",這裡千萬別翻成「讓我為你買一杯咖啡」喔! "to talk sth.over..." 表示「談仔細」,介系詞 over 本身即有「結束」之意。 | | | | ▲TOP | | | 有被病毒掃到的困擾嗎?教您掃毒又防駭! 如果你愛上網、網拍、即時通聊天、網路交友、愛打Game…,小心!病毒、駭客、網路詐騙就在你身邊!電腦網路應用常因駭客、病毒、系統、軟體…等因素,甚至使用者本身的無心疏忽,造成中毒產生不便與損失,如何增進電腦網路安全性相關知識,用最省的成本來防毒,就讓數位生活達人來教您! | | | | | | | 本週情境焦點:(2) 在婚友社
【進階對話 Dialogue 2】In a Marriage Bureau(在婚友社) Jeff was tired of the same old dating scene, so he decided to try his luck at the Marriage Bureau. Jeff 已厭倦一成不變的約會場合,因此他決定到婚友社去在試試運氣。 Jeff:Excuse me, I was wondering if you could give me a quick run-down of how your agency works. Jeff:不好意思,我想簡單迅速地了解一下貴公司的運作方式。 Woman at Service Counter:Our agency's purpose is to help facilitate the meeting of single individuals who are interested in marriage and long-term relationships. 櫃檯女服務:我們代辦處可協助安排尋求婚姻和長期關係的單身個人會面。 Jeff:How does payment for these services work? Jeff:這些服務費用怎麼算? Woman:There is a simple fee you pay in order to gain access to the bank of information that we keep on individuals. 女服務:您只需擔付一點小小費用,就可以取得我們檔案庫中的個人資料。 Jeff:So does that mean if I decide to go forward with this then all of my contact information will be posted for thousands of people to see? That doesn't sound very safe. Jeff:您的意思是,如果我決定進一步加入,那麼所有我的聯絡資訊都將公開給許多人?聽起來很不安全耶。 Woman:Of course not. If someone is interested in another person based on the provided information, then we gain that person's permission before any additional correspondence is made. 女服務:當然不是這樣。基於我們提供的資料,如果有人對於他人資料感興趣,那麼在進一步聯繫之前,我們會先徵得當事者的同意。 Jeff:I'm not getting any younger. I guess I could give it a try. All I stand to lose is a little bit of money. Jeff:我已經不年輕了,我想我可以試一試。我所失去的只是一點點錢。 Woman:That's the spirit. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I found my husband through the marriage bureau. We've been married for three years now. 女人:這就對了。有件事我不太好意思承認的是,我也是經由婚友社找到我先生的。目前我們已結婚三年了。 Jeff:You're right; I guess I should give it a try. I've been dating off and on for years now, and I haven't been very successful. Jeff:你說得沒錯;我想我應該試試。我已經斷斷續續談了好幾年的戀愛,而且一直不是非常成功。 Woman:You're in good hands. In addition, our fee is extremely competitive. 女人:你已經在適婚齡了。此外,我們的費用是可以拿出去比較的。 Jeff:Sounds great. Let me take a look at your standard fees. Jeff:聽起來很棒。讓我看看你們標準的費用。 Woman:No problem, here's a brochure. 女人:沒問題,這份傳單上有。 Jeff:Oh, this is a bit steeper than I thought it would be. I might have to sleep on it. Thank you so much for your help. Jeff:噢,價格比我想像中還高一點。或許我應該再仔細考慮一下。非常謝謝您的幫忙。 Woman:You're welcome. Good luck regardless of what you decide. 女人:不客氣。不管您的決定如何,祝您好運。 "Dialogue 2" 相關實用句型: 3.I've been dating off and on for years. (我已經斷斷續續談了好幾年的戀愛。) 這裡的 off 和 on 皆為「介副詞」,"off and on" 表示「開開關關」的意思,因此 "to date off and on" 可以直譯為「斷斷續續地在約會」。 因此,在現代美語中,我們常會用「去約會」(to date)來表示「在談戀愛」。例如: How have you been dating with each other? (你們已經交往多久了?) 4.This is a bit steeper than I thought it would be. I might have to sleep on it. (價格比我想像中還高一點。或許我應該再仔細考慮一下。) 形容詞 steep 除了一般表示「陡峭的」之外,可用來形容某物的價格「過高╱不合理的」。 sleep 本來是「睡覺」的意思,但 "to sleep on sth." 可不是「在...上面睡覺」喔!它本來是指「先睡覺,把問題留到隔天再解決」,因此引申為「審慎考慮」。 | | | | ▲TOP | • | 全民英檢聽說讀寫大會考參加初試、複試一路通 | | 全民英檢分級題庫與解析聽說讀寫 All in One!數位化學習讓你增加實戰經驗、掌握實力。系列專輯榮獲台灣海洋大學、台北市立師範學院...等數十家教育單位與公民營企業行號選用。 | |
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