面試官會很重視你對失敗經驗的說明。對方在意的不僅僅是你的失敗,還包括你如何描述這些經驗,因為藉由觀察你回答這個問題的恰當與否,面試官便能從中對你做出很大的判斷。所以,你應該對曾經經歷的失敗據實以告,但務必強調從中學到的教訓,才能為自己加分。 現在我們就來看看職場老手Daisy如何談論她的失敗經驗吧。 Interviewer:Tell me about your biggest failure. 面試官:請談一談你最嚴重的失敗經驗。 Daisy:Sorry, I don't follow you. 黛 西:抱歉,我沒聽懂你的問題。 Interviewer:Tell me about a mistake you made or a failure that you've had in your career. 面試官:請談一談你在過去工作上犯下的一個錯誤或遭遇的一次失敗經驗。 Daisy:I'll have to think about that. OK. Well, one of my least successful experiences was when I set up a company for a foreign entrepreneur in Taiwan. It was a long time ago when I was just starting out in my first job, and I didn't really know a lot about the regulations for foreigners setting up businesses in Taiwan. I completed all the paper work, and took the client's money, and then told him he was ready to start trading. He started his business, and all seemed to be going well. Then I discovered, to my horror, that the company had not been approved, and that he was trading illegally, and what's more, that he had to pay a fine. I had to tell the guy, and my boss was furious. He was very good about it, though, because he paid the fine for the guy, and didn't take it out of my salary. He absorbed the cost, which I really appreciated. What I should have done was to check the status of the company before telling the guy he could start trading. However, it was a positive learning experience for me. What I'm trying to say is that I learned to double-check everything. 黛 西:這我得想一想。好,我最不成功的一個經驗,就是有次幫一個外國企業家在台灣開公司。那是很久以前的事了,我才剛開始第一份工作,對外國人在台灣開公司的規定不是很了解。我完成了所有的表格文件,收了客戶的錢,然後跟他說他可以開始做貿易了。於是他就開始做生意,一切似乎都進行地很順利,後來我駭然發現他的公司並沒有被核准,這等於是說他所從事的貿易是非法的,更糟的是他必須繳付罰金。我不得不向那位客戶據實以告,我的老闆簡直氣炸了,但是老闆還是保持很好的風度,因為他幫那位客戶付了罰金,而且沒有從我薪水中扣錢。我老闆吸收了成本,我非常感激他。早知道我會先更仔細的檢查公司狀況,再告訴那位客戶可以開始做生意了。不過這件事對我來說是很正面的學習經驗。我的意思是說,我學到了凡事都得重複檢查一遍。 |