面試官會提出一些問題,企圖引導你說出負面的感想。這類負面問題對面試官來說很重要,他們可以藉機觀察你應付負面話題的反應。如果你把過去工作的觀感說得很差,面試官可能會覺得你是個麻煩人物。 現在我們就來看看職場新手Kevin和職場老手Daisy如何應付負面問題吧。 Interviewer:What annoyed you about your previous job? 面試官:你之前的工作有什麼困擾你的地方? Kevin:Well, the training could have been handled better. For the first few days, I was really confused because there didn't seem to be anyone whose job it was to tell me what to do, or show me what was expected of me. But I guess you guys will cover that in the training you offer. I'm hoping that I can get the hang of the new job as quickly as possible with support, so that I can start to make a positive contribution. 凱 文:嗯,員工培訓應該再好一些。剛開始的幾天我都搞不清楚狀況,因為好像沒有人負責跟我說明,或告訴我我該做什麼。但是我想你們在訓練新人的時候都會涵蓋這些事情。希望我能在有人協助的情況下,盡快掌握新工作,開始有所貢獻。 Interviewer:What would you like to avoid in your next job? 面試官:你希望在新工作中避免什麼事情? Daisy:I'd like to avoid overlapping lines of communication. In my previous job there wasn't a clear distinction about whom I should be reporting to-the finance director, or the client service director-so sometimes things were not as efficient as they could have been. I'm looking for a clear chain of command so that messages and directions don't get lost. 黛 西:我想避免溝通責任上發生重疊的狀況。在之前的工作中,公司沒有明白規定我的上司到底是財務部主管還是客服主管,所以有時辦事效率不盡理想。我希望清楚知道我的上司是誰,以免錯失訊息的傳達和指示的接收。 |