如果你的面試官是西方人,那麼對方一定會詢問你對公司、公司業務和所應徵工作等事有何看法。不要害羞,直接將想法說出來吧。雖然中國文化講求謙遜,不應該炫耀個人成就。不過在求職面試時要是太過謙遜,不好意思談個人成就,面試官從何知道你到底優不優秀呢?!最好的最法就是做得恰到好處,既能顧及謙虛的禮貌,又能讓面試官知道你在事業上的成就。 現在我們就來看看職場新手Kevin和職場老手Daisy如何談論自己吧。 Interviewer: How would you describe yourself? 面試官:你會如何描述自己? Kevin:Well, let me see. I think I'm quite ambitious. I want to succeed and have a good career. I always aim to do my best in a situation-you know? What I mean is, I always try to look for the best way to do something. I think I'm good at spotting problems and finding ways to fix them. 凱 文:嗯,我想一想。我覺得自己滿有企圖心的,我希望成功和事業有成。我遇到事情總會全力以赴,你知道的。我的意思是說,我每次都會努力尋找做事的最佳方式。我想我對發現問題並且找出問題的解決方法很在行。 Interviewer:How would you describe yourself? 面試官:你會如何描述自己? Daisy:Well, in my personal life, I'm quite easygoing, but at work, I always go for perfection. I mean, the numbers have always got to be correct, haven't they? So I always insist on 100 percent accuracy and care. I've been told that I'm a perfectionist, you know, people say that I'm quite strict about getting the numbers correct. 黛 西:哦,私底下我滿隨和的,但在工作時我一定追求完美。我的意思是說,沒有一個數字可以出錯,不是嗎?所以我總是堅持100%的準確和謹慎。有人說我是完美主義者,是這樣的,他們說我對數字的正確性要求很高。 |