如果你的面試官是西方人,那麼對方一定會詢問你對公司、公司業務和所應徵工作等事有何看法。不要害羞,直接將想法說出來吧。雖然中國文化講求謙遜,不應該炫耀個人成就。不過在求職面試時要是太過謙遜,不好意思談個人成就,面試官從何知道你到底優不優秀呢?!最好的最法就是做得恰到好處,既能顧及謙虛的禮貌,又能讓面試官知道你在事業上的成就。 現在我們就來看看職場新手Kevin和職場老手Daisy如何發表謙遜的看法吧。 Interviewer:What do you think of the future of the luxury car market in China? 面試官:你覺得中國的豪華汽車市場前景如何? Kevin:Well, it seems to me that it's a growth market, especially in after-sales service. I'd say that as China liberalizes, and as the people get richer, there are going to be more opportunities in this market. What's more, I firmly believe it's the best market to be in right now. 凱 文:嗯,我看這個市場成長空間很大,尤其是售後服務這塊市場。我覺得當中國越來越開放、大家越來越富裕,這個市場一定會出現更多的機會。除此之外,我堅信現在進佔這塊市場最好。 Interviewer:What do you think of countries who default on their loans to the IMF? 面試官:有些國家未能將貸款債務歸還給國際貨幣基金會,你對這些國家的看法為何? Daisy:Hmm. That's a difficult one. Obviously, defaulted loans cost the IMF and hurt the organization badly-you know, damage its creditability. On the other hand, I'm convinced that most countries try hard not to default on their loans because then it damages their creditability too. Not only that, but also, I reckon that economic circumstances change so quickly that sometimes it's impossible to pay back a loan within the timeframe. To my way of thinking, a balance needs to be reached between the needs of the IMF, and the needs of the borrowers. Let me put it this way: I believe that everything can always be negotiated, and it's up to the IMF and borrowers to negotiate a settlement that suits both parties. 黛 西:嗯,這個問題很複雜。顯然對方未能償還債務,對國際貨幣基金會造成金錢上的損失,組織也會受到嚴重傷害,我是指信譽受損。但反過來說,我相信大部分的國家都會努力不拖欠債務,因為他們的信譽也是會受損。不僅如此,我覺得經濟狀況變化快速,有時不大可能在規定時間內清償款項。我的看法是,國際貨幣基金會和貸款國的需求必須從中尋找到一個平衡點。這樣說吧,我認為沒有事情是不能商量的,國際貨幣基金會和貸款國應該協商,找到雙方都滿意的解決方法。 |