KEYS TO LEARNING ENGLISH: | | | | Tips on Writing Personal Letters (part 2 of 12)
寫個人書信的訣竅 (十二段中的第二段) However, the results of writing letters are rewarding. Long-distance friends can continue to build a lasting relationship through correspondence. Personal letters to your friends and family are easier to write than business letters. The language and format are informal, and you don't have to worry as much about mistakes. 然而,寫信常會帶來許多好的回報,相距遙遠的朋友們能夠透過書信繼續建立一段持久的關係!寫信給朋友與家人比寫商業書信容易,使用的文辭和格式都是非正式的,你不太需要擔心會犯錯。 ☉Word Bank correspondence (n) 書信;通信 format (n) 格式 | |
Introduction to Today's Studio Classroom Article | | | | NEW WAYS TO TEACH 創新教學法
A textbook, a classroom and a teacher always equal learning – wrong! 一本教科書、一間教室再加上一位老師一定等於學習—你錯了! 線上收聽 | | • | 棒球剪貼簿 | | 愛棒球的都快來喔~~這有很多的新聞喔! | |
The Day's Phrase | | | | "Are you having fun at this party?" Suzanne asked. "Yes, I'm having a ball," said Bill. 「你在這個派對中玩得愉快嗎?」蘇珊問道。「嗯,我玩得很痛快。」比爾說。 | | |