
2007年9月30日 星期日《中英對照讀新聞》First known planet to survive red-giant phase found╱第一顆渡過紅巨星期的行星被發現


《中英對照讀新聞》First known planet to survive red-giant phase found╱第一顆渡過紅巨星期的行星被發現


Astronomers have discovered the first known planet to survive its "red-giant" phase, a period when an aging star expands and engulfs bodies orbiting it.


The discovery of the gas-giant planet three times the size of Jupiter offers a look at the future of our own solar system and what will happen to the Earth when the sun grows old and collapses, the researchers said.


Scientists found the planet some 4,500 light-years from Earth. It once orbited its star at the same distance as the Earth is now from the sun -- about eight light-minutes -- but then drifted away, the researchers said in the journal Nature.


"At present, (the) discovery is the only planetary system known to have survived its red-giant phase," Jonathan Fortney, a NASA researcher, wrote in a commentary in Nature.


Scientists have identified some 250 planets orbiting stars other than our sun. Most are detected by indirect measurements such as tiny variations in the wobble of a star.



engulf:動詞,吞沒、席捲。The flood engulfed several villages.(洪水吞沒數個村落。)

offer a look at ...:片語,讓人一窺…(面貌、可能性)。This film offers a look at the inner side of the director.(這部片讓人有機會一窺導演的內心世界。)

variation:名詞,變化、變動、差別、差異。It's a variation of the original.(這是原來版本的衍生版。)

