
2007年9月27日 星期四《中英對照讀新聞》17th century baldness cure is chicken dung 17世紀禿頭療法是雞糞


《中英對照讀新聞》17th century baldness cure is chicken dung 17世紀禿頭療法是雞糞


In our age of gyms and jogging, dental floss and deodorants, mouthwash and moisturisers, a chap can waft along with ease every day feeling fit and fragrant.


But back in 1654, with Oliver Cromwell ruling England, good health and grooming for men was somewhat more basic.


Then, no self-respecting male's medicine chest was apparently complete without liberal supplies of cat's dung, snail's blood and chicken droppings - not to mention arsenic and brimstone.


Gruesome as they may sound, they were recommended as remedies for everything from bad breath to baldness, fatness to flatulence.


The fascinating array of lotions is chronicled in The Path-Way To Health, a sort of 17th century version of Men's Health magazine. One of the earliest medical journals written in English, it will go up for auction in October.


According to the journal's author Peter Levens, the best way to restore growth is to "take the ashes of culver-dung in lye, and wash the head therewith."



waft︰吹送、飄散。例句:A gentle breeze wafted the scent of roses in through the window.(微風吹送玫瑰的香氣,透過窗子傳了進來。)

not to mention︰更不必說。例句:It's far too late for you to go out and play football, not to mention the fact that it's raining.(你現在出去踢足球太晚了,何況還在下雨。)

therewith︰與此,與之。例如:every problem connected therewith,與此有關的每一個問題。

