Part 7 觀光與娛樂
出外旅遊,除了問路外也經常需要請當地人推薦一些值得一遊的景點。到了景點之後,或許還得請路人幫忙拍照。想在當地玩得盡興,這類用語非學不可。還有,到了夜晚,時光不也容虛擲喔!不論是造訪當地酒吧還是看場表演,本章用語陪你一起玩樂! 拍照搭配詞 picture「照片」 1.take a picture (of sth./sb.) 拍(某事物╱某人的)照片 2.take a picture for sb. 幫某人拍照片 3.get a picture (of sth./sb.) 拍(某事物╱某人的)照片 4.snap a picture (of sth./sb.) 拍(某事物╱某人的)照片 5.take a picture with sth./sb. 和某事物╱某人一起拍照 6.get a picture with sth./sb. 和某事物╱某人一起拍片 指示拍照者 7.Don't cut off my head. 不要把我的頭切掉了。 8.Can you get the fountain in the background? 你能不能把噴水池拍進背景裡? 9.I'm too small! 我人太小了! 10.You made my head too big! 你把我的頭拍得太大了! 11.I'm not ready yet. 我還沒準備好。 12.No candid shots! 不准偷拍! 13.Can you take one more? 你可以再拍一張嗎? 指示被拍者 14.Get closer together. 靠近一點。 15.Move a little to the right/left. 向右邊╱左邊移一點。 16.Move your arm up/down a little. 把你的手臂向上╱下移一點。 17.OK. Hold it! 好,別動! 18.Everybody say cheese. 大家說「七」。 19.Look at the camera! 看著相機! 20.On the count of three. One, two, three! 數到三,一、二、三! 對話 1. Brad: Wow. Those flowers would make a nice picture. Kate: Yes, they would. Here. Give me your camera. I'll take a picture for you. Brad: Thanks. All you have to do is push the button. See if you can get a shot of me, the flowers, and the building in the background. Kate: OK. Move a little to your left. Hold it! Say cheese! 翻譯 Brad:哇!那些花可以拍成很漂亮的照片。 Kate:是的,沒錯。來,把你的相機給我,我來幫你拍張照片。 Brad:謝謝。妳只要按下按鈕就行了。看看妳能不能拍到我、這些花和那棟建 築當背景。 Kate:好,往你左邊移一點。別動!說「七」! 2. Colin: Why don't I get a picture of everyone? Kate: Get closer together, everyone. Colin is going to take our picture. Oh! Colin. Get a picture with my camera-phone, too. [gives him camera] Colin: Sure. OK. Look at the camera, everybody! On the count of three. One, two, [snaps picture] three! George: Hey! No candid shots! I wasn't ready yet! Can you get one more? 翻譯 Colin:何不讓我給大家拍張照? Kate:大家靠近一點,柯林要幫我們拍照。噢!柯林,也用我的照相手機拍一張。【把相機給他】 Colin:好啊。好,大家看相機!數到三,一、二、【拍下照片】三! George:嘿!不准偷拍!我還沒準備好呢!你可以再拍一張嗎? |