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搞定商務Email | | | |
| Subject: Sincere apologies on behalf of Tasty Time Catering
Dear Mr. Elias,
Please accept our sincere apologies for our miscalculation that resulted in running out of food at your company banquet. It's entirely our fault that there were not enough entrees for the number of guests in attendance. We regret the embarrassment and inconvenience caused by our oversight. The problem was caused by an internal communication problem at this end. It seems a new employee took the call from you about the change in the number of guests, but did not relay the message properly. This employee has already been reprimanded, and I ask you to please accept my assurances that this sort of thing will never happen again. I hope that you will not let this one unfortunate incident dissuade you from allowing us cater your organization's events in the future. You have my personal guarantee that this was an isolated incident that will not be repeated.
Bradly Tsai Manager
布萊德.蔡 敬上 經理 | |
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1.在道歉時態度要誠懇,但無須過度強調是自己的過錯。 2.盡可能解釋哪裡出了問題。 3.假如雙方關係已經受損,那就表明你期望能修補傷害,恢復原來的關係。 4.記得要向收件者保證,這個錯誤將來不會再犯。 | |
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搞定商務Email | | | | 回覆範例Sample Reply
| Subject: The banquet fiasco
Dear Mr. Tsai,
Thank you for your email. We accept your apology. Until this unfortunate incident, we had always been very happy with the food and service your company provided. In some respects, we're also partially to blame. Admittedly, it was a last-minute change, and we should have let you know sooner that we were expecting three more tables of guests. In future, we'll do what we can at this end to keep the channels of communication open to avoid these kinds of misunderstandings.
Sincerely, Jeffrey Elias Social Coordinator
主旨:筵席烏龍 蔡先生,您好:
社交協調員 傑佛瑞.艾力亞 敬上
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| 豐富實例範文+好用句型隨查即用,你也可以是Email英文高手! 雙向式寫作設計,雙效學習! 針對單一主題同時給予主題mail和回覆mail的範文解析,一次學會寄信者和回覆者不同立場的寫作用語。
.作者:Jason Grenier .譯者:戴至中 .貝塔語言出版社 .出版日期:2007年6月 .定價:350元
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