
Creative Cooking 創意烹飪法

每週 二 出刊.2008.09.16
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
Creative Cooking 創意烹飪法
Building Your Vocabulary
Phrases for Learning
Extra Words
Tips In Use

Creative Cooking 創意烹飪法

  Nowadays, most of the food we eat is cooked in ovens or on stoves. The heat which is needed to cook this food comes from burning wood, gas, or other fuels1. However, natural resources2 are decreasing. When fuel becomes less available, people have to become more creative. Some of these creative cooking methods have been around for a long, long time. Others are rather new. Either way, uncommon cooking methods are now being used in many places all over the world.
  Some traditional cooking methods use little or no fuel. One example is an underground oven. This method is done by burying food in the ground under hot stones. In some places, food alone can be buried in sand. It is cooked by the sun heating the sand or by hot gases that rise out of the ground.

  When cars became common, people realized they could be used to cook food, too. The heat from a car's engine3 can cook an entire meal as you drive around. The heat from light bulbs4 can do the same thing. These creative cooking methods save fuel by using it to do two things at the same time. If you are interested in trying out any of these methods, look online. Many websites5 can show you how to use these methods to prepare food safely.



Building Your Vocabulary 

1. nowadays adv. 現今,現時
People care more about fitness nowadays.
2. heat n. 熱,熱能 & vt. 加熱,使變熱
You have to heat the water until it boils.
3. decrease vi. 減少;減小
The number of visitors has decreased recently.
4. entire a. 整個的,全部的
Daniel spent the entire afternoon fishing.
Phrases for Learning 

1. either way  (兩種方式中的)任一種方式
You can get there by train or bus, but it will take about an hour either way.
2. at the same time  同時
It is dangerous to drive a car and talk on a cellphone at the same time.
Extra Words 

1. fuel n. 燃料
2. resource n. 資源(常用複數)
3.. engine n. 引擎
4.. light bulb n. 燈泡(亦可只寫 bulb)
5.. website n. 網站
Tips In Use 

Some of these creative cooking methods...Others are rather new.
以下介紹一些有關 some 的代名詞用法:
1. some...others...  
Some of my friends like to play tennis. Others like to play basketball.
2. some...others...still others...  
Some of the flowers are red, others are white, and still others are yellow.
3. some...the others...  
Some of the students in the class failed the test. The others passed.
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