陳冠希的慾照事件是這三週以來華人圈的焦點新聞。 直到他出面開記者會,這件事才稍微緩和。你聽了陳冠希全程英文的聲明嗎?乃菁在聽完記者會後,與他香港的友人談到這件事。讓我們來看乃菁如何用英文掰這次的慾照風波!
逃避 → escape from
記者會 → press conference
1.沒有逃避責任,冠希終於回到香港並且召開記者會。 → Without escaping from his responsibility, Edison finally returned to HK and held a press conference. 慾照、性愛照片 → sex photo
2.他承認大部份的性愛照片都是他拍的。 → He admitted that most of the sex photos were taken by him. 道歉 → apologize
醜聞 → scandal
娛樂圈、演藝界 → entertainment industry
3.除了向涉入此次醜聞的女士道歉之外,他說他要退出香港演藝界。 → In addition to apologizing to the ladies involved in this scandal, he said he will quit H.K. entertainment industry. 私密的 → private
被放在網上 → be posted on Internet
非法地 → illegally
4.總而言之,任何人看到自己的私密照片被非法偷竊又被放在網上,實在是一件不好的事。 → Anyway, it's truly a bad thing for people to see their private photos stolen and posted on Internet illegally. 以下就是乃菁給香港友人的e-mail:
Without escaping from his responsibility, Edison finally returned to HK and held a press conference. He admitted that most of the sex photos were taken by him. In addition to apologizing to the ladies involved in this scandal, he said he will quit H.K. entertainment industry. Anyway, it's truly a bad thing for people to see their private photos stolen and posted on Internet illegally.