A French woman stole from a supermarket in the western town of Pontarlier some 3,500 times and sold the loot on eBay to help pay the household bills, the daily Le Parisien reported.
In 2004 the woman, who was not identified, observed a boy steal some items from the store without triggering the alarm, which was defective. That encouraged her to do the same.
Over the next two years, on an almost daily basis, and sometimes more than once a day, she walked out of the store with video games, CDs, DVDs, razor blades or calculators and immediately put them up for sale on the internet auction site.
Some 3,700 sales, totalling 85,000 euros, were registered on eBay under her name before police investigators specializing in internet crime caught up with her.
loot:名詞,戰利品、掠奪物、值錢的東西;動詞,搶劫、掠奪。例句︰The bandits looted the town.(盜匪洗劫這個城鎮。)
defective:形容詞,有缺陷的、不完美的、不健全的;名詞為defect。例句︰Every item in that store is defective.(那家店的商品全都有瑕疵。)
on ... basis:在…的基礎上,以…的狀態(進行)。on a weekly/yearly basis,以每週/每年的情況(進行)。
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