Product Queens 藥妝店也能學英文-3
Day Three Amy: And I didn't forget the hair care products! I love this shampoo. It's 1)organic and is full of 2)essential oils. Eric: Oh my god. That smells amazing. It says for damaged or 3)color-treated hair. I didn't know you weren't a natural redhead? Amy: HA! Thanks for trying. I bought the same brand of conditioner. I think it makes my hair extra shiny. Eric: Your hair does look really healthy. What is this? Amy: Oh, that's the 4)anti-frizz serum. I can't live without it. Otherwise, my hair looks like a bird's nest. Eric: I have only been using mousse and gel. What kind of shampoo do you think I should use? My hair feels 5)cakey all the time. Amy: I would use a daily 6)clarifying shampoo, something that won't cause 7)build up. You work out so much and shower often. You're hair needs a break from all that 8)heavy product. Eric: What would I do without you? 第三天 愛咪:我也沒忘記護髮產品唷!我超愛這種洗髮精的。它是有機的,而且富含精油。 艾瑞克:噢,天啊,那味道真芬芳。上面說受損或染髮髮質適用耶。我不知道原來妳不是天生紅頭髮的。 愛咪:哈!謝謝你的讚美。我也買了同一個牌子的潤髮乳。我想那會讓我的頭髮更有光澤。 艾瑞克:妳的頭髮真的看起來挺健康的。這是什麼? 愛咪:喔,那是抗毛燥用的精華液。沒有它我不能活。否則我的頭髮看來會像鳥窩一樣。 艾瑞克:我向來只用慕斯和髮膠。妳覺得我該用哪種洗髮精?我老是覺得頭髮黏答答的。 愛咪:我會使用每日潔淨型的洗髮精,那不會造成積結物。你愛健身又常淋浴,你的頭髮需要喘息一下,不要再用那麼重的產品。 艾瑞克:沒有妳我該怎麼辦? |