KEYS TO LEARNING ENGLISH: | | | | Don't Read This! (part 4 of 6)
別讀這篇文章 (六段中的第四段) 2. Scanning. Sometimes you're only looking for specific information, like a phone number or an address. If so, don't waste time reading the whole text. 3. Making inferences. You can often draw conclusions about things that are not clearly stated in the text. This is called "reading between the lines." 2. 瀏覽。有時候你只想找一個特定的資料,好比一個電話號碼或是地址。若是如此,別浪費時間去閱讀整篇文章。 3. 推論。你往往可以對文章中並未清楚說明的某事做個推斷。這就是所謂的讀出「言外之意」。 ☉Word Bank scan (v) 掃讀;匆匆一閱 | |
Introduction to Today's Studio Classroom Article | | | | GETTING THE PICTURE 快門一瞬間
Whether it's celebrities, wildlife or food, these pictures are hard to get! 無論是名流、野生動植物或食物,要拍這些照片可不簡單! 線上收聽 | | • | 與自然對話 | | 在這裡,對攝影的熱情、自我的成長、反省的收穫、理念的澄清...激盪您我的心! | |
The Day's Phrase | | | | I don't have anything else to do tonight, I guess it's time for me to catch a little shut eye. 我今晚沒什麼其他事,我想該是我打個盹兒的時候了。 | | |